From the Tipping Point Website:
We are pleased to announce that our second round of commissions is now launched.
This year we are delighted to be able to offer a co-commission with Without Walls, the consortium of 8 of the UK’s most strategically significant outdoor arts festivals.
We will be able to sponsor around 6 commissions and will offer awards as follows.
- One award of up to £30k (this will be a co-commission between TippingPoint and Without Walls and should meet specific criteria)
- One award of up to £25k (TippingPoint Commission)
- Two awards of up to £15k (TippingPoint Commission)
- One award of up to £10k (TippingPoint Commission)
- Two awards of up to £5k (TippingPoint Commission)
Proposals must be submitted by Monday 6th December at 5pm. For further guidance and a full application form please download the following document: TP Commissions Round 2 How to apply.doc