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Should we adapt to a world of Strange Weather, or attempt to prevent it? How can we model, control and even generate weather? How can we sustain our planet and human culture into the future?
“Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.†― Mark Twain
Calling all future forecasters, weather hackers and planetary visionaries: Science Gallery is seeking project proposals for our upcoming summer exhibition STRANGE WEATHER. To apply, read on or visit the STRANGE WEATHER website. The deadline to submit your ideas is 14.02.14.
What is really going on with the weather? How can scientists and designers help us understand weather systems? How can we understand and respond to climate change? STRANGE WEATHER is a curated exhibition that will bring together meteorologists, artists, climate scientists, cloud enthusiasts and designers to explore how we model, predict, and even create weather.
How has the human experience of weather changed over millennia, and how will it change in the next 50 years? Will future weather be more, or less predictable and controllable? Should we attempt to prevent a future of STRANGE WEATHER, or embrace it? From hurricanes to droughts, from cloud-seeding to greenhouse gases, weather is of greater concern than ever. What consequences and opportunities will arise from the changing weather of our planet?
Curated by CoClimate, this exhibition will challenge audiences with novel visions of a global culture adapting to extreme weather, and zooms in, to explore how STRANGE WEATHER will affect daily commutes, the governance of our cities, and even our fashion choices.
Science Gallery is interested in works that offer a participative and interactive visitor experience for a broad age-range of visitors, especially those aged 15-25. We seek projects that inform, intrigue, provoke dialogue and engage audiences directly, making the complex and emotional topic of extreme weather and climate change more relevant to everyday experiences. In particular, we are looking for projects that connect massive planetary-scale systems to personal, localised and individual lived experience.
Science Gallery is interested in receiving proposals on a wide variety of topics including, but not limited to:
- Tools for predicting and preparing for severe weather, climate change, and environmental change.
- Climate change and the everyday: projects that respond to the consequences of climate change. e.g. how will climate change affect fashion, entertainment, transportation and education?
- Examples and critiques of weather manipulation and GeoEngineering.
- Tools for mapping the planet: from satellites, to ocean drones and weather balloons.
- Designs that mitigate environmental change: architecture for migrating species, water management for more severe flooding, smog and air quality detection and prevention.
- Future scenarios for cities, governance and culture on a changed planet.
- Works that show how weather information is collected, compiled and disseminated.
- Exhibits that speak to the social, cultural and political implications of strange weather and climate change.
- Participatory experiences, field trips, site visits and workshops.
- Scientific experiments that utilise data/participation from visitors.
- Forecasting, not just of weather, but of many kinds of environmental patterns and change.
- Your amazing project that is relevant to the theme ‘Strange Weather’.
- CoClimate, a think tank that studies the technologies and tactics used for sculpting the biosphere of planet Earth
- ​Michael John Gorman, Founding Director of Science Gallery and CEO of Science Gallery International
- Martin Peters, Computational Scientist at the Irish Centre for High Energy Computing
- Gerald Fleming, Head of Forecasting at Met Eireann
The open call will close at 12 midnight on Friday February 14th 2014. To apply visit our open call site. If you have any questions about the application process, please send them to
SCIENCE GALLERY, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
+353 1 896 4091
P.S. The curators note there is a budget for selected artists to make the work.  Thanks to Aviva Rahmani for highlighting this call.
ecoartscotland is a resource focused on art and ecology for artists, curators, critics, commissioners as well as scientists and policy makers. It includes ecoartscotland papers, a mix of discussions of works by artists and critical theoretical texts, and serves as a curatorial platform.
It has been established by Chris Fremantle, producer and research associate with On The Edge Research, Gray’s School of Art, The Robert Gordon University. Fremantle is a member of a number of international networks of artists, curators and others focused on art and ecology.
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