Conscient Podcast: e86 arts policy, equity and activism class at centennial college

My #conscientpodcast conversation with Robin Sokoloski, Janis Monture and their students as part of a class in Art Policy, Equity and Activism at Centennial College in Toronto exploring the role of the arts in activism, including quotes from e40 frasz, e82 washable paint, e05 carruthers, e73 judith marcuse – finding the energy to keep moving and e85 tracey friesen – narratives of resilience for a post carbon world.

Robin Sokoloski and Janis Monture teach a class in Art Policy, Equity and Activism at Centennial College in Toronto and asked me to be guest speaker on the issue of art and activism on November 23, 2021. The class kindly agreed to have the class recorded as episode 86 of this podcast. 

I’ve known Robin from many years in her role with Mass Culture and more recently as a co-founder of the Sectoral Climate Arts Leadership for the Emergency (SCALE) network. Robin was also my guest on episode 61 of this podcast. I met Janis many years ago back when I ran the Inter-Arts Office at Canada Council for the Arts in her role with the Woodland Cultural Centre.

Before the class Robin suggested I read this article : Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism, which I recommend to anyone interested in art and activism. 

The conversation took place in ‘interview’ style. Robin asked me four questions: 

What is the arts role in activism when it comes to positive social good?

Can art affect policy? Is there an example you can think of?

What role can arts funders play when it comes to art and activism?

Share your current interest in art activism. What possibilities do you see within the arts or general public that encourage you to continue this work?

My answers, as well as my interaction with students, are in the recording. 

This episode also includes excerpts from e40 frasze82 washable painte05 carrutherse73 judith marcuse – finding the energy to keep moving and e85 tracey friesen – narratives of resilience for a post carbon world.

Links referred to in this episode:

Some of the arts policy, equity and activism class at centennial college on november 23, 2021


Ma conversation #baladoconscient avec Robin Sokoloski, Janis Monture et leurs étudiants dans le cadre d'un cours sur la politique artistique, l'équité et l'activisme au Centennial College de Toronto sur le rôle des arts dans l'activisme, y inclut des extraits des épisodes suivants: e40 frasze82 washable painte05 carrutherse73 judith marcuse – finding the energy to keep moving et e85 tracey friesen – narratives of resilience for a post carbon world.

Robin Sokoloski et Janis Monture donnent un cours sur la politique artistique, l’équité et l’activisme au Centennial College de Toronto et m’ont demandé d’être conférencier invité sur la question de l’art et de l’activisme le 23 novembre 2021. La classe a aimablement accepté que le cours soit enregistré comme l’épisode 86 de ce balado. 

Je connais Robin depuis de nombreuses années dans le cadre de son rôle au sein de Mobilisation culturelle et, plus récemment, en tant que cofondatrice du réseau Leadership sectorial des arts sur l’urgence de la transition écologique (LeSAUT). Robin était également mon invitée dans l’épisode 61 de ce balado. J’ai rencontré Janis il y a de nombreuses années, lorsque je dirigeais le Bureau Inter-Arts du Conseil des arts du Canada dans le cadre de son rôle au Woodland Cultural Centre.  

Avant le cours, Robin m’a suggéré de lire cet article : Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism, que je recommande à toute personne intéressée par l’art et l’activisme. 

La conversation s’est déroulée sous la forme d’une “interview”. Robin m’a posé quatre questions : 

1.      Quel est le rôle des arts dans l’activisme lorsqu’il s’agit de faire du bien social ?

2.      L’art peut-il influer sur la politique ? Y a-t-il un exemple auquel vous pouvez penser ?

3.      Quel rôle les organismes de financement des arts peuvent-ils jouer en ce qui concerne l’art et l’activisme ?

4.      Partagez votre intérêt actuel pour l’activisme artistique. Quelles possibilités voyez-vous au sein des arts ou du grand public qui vous encouragent à poursuivre ce travail ?

Mes réponses, ainsi que mon interaction avec les étudiants, se trouvent dans l’enregistrement. 

Cet épisode comprend également des extraits de e40 frasze82 washable painte05 carrutherse73 judith marcuse – finding the energy to keep moving et e85 tracey friesen – narratives of resilience for a post carbon world.

Liens mentionnés dans cet épisode :

The post e86 arts policy, equity and activism class at centennial college appeared first on conscient podcast / balado conscient. conscient is a bilingual blog and podcast (French or English) by audio artist Claude Schryer that explores how arts and culture contribute to environmental awareness and action.


About the Concient Podcast from Claude Schryer

The conscient podcast / balado conscient is a series of conversations about art, conscience and the ecological crisis. This podcast is bilingual (in either English or French). The language of the guest determines the language of the podcast. Episode notes are translated but not individual interviews.

I started the conscient project in 2020 as a personal learning journey and knowledge sharing exercise. It has been rewarding, and sometimes surprising.

The term ‘conscient’ is defined as ‘being aware of one’s surroundings, thoughts and motivations’. My touchstone for the podcast is episode 1, e01 terrified, based on an essay I wrote in May 2019, where I share my anxiety about the climate crisis and my belief that arts and culture can play a critical role in raising public awareness about environmental issues. The conscient podcast / balado conscient follows up on my (2016–2019) project: 175, 3-minute audio and video field recordings that explore mindful listening.

Season 1 (May to October 2020) explored how the arts contribute to environmental awareness and action. I produced 3 episodes in French and 15 in English. The episodes cover a wide range of content, including activism, impact measurement, gaming, arts funding, cross-sectoral collaborations, social justice, artistic practices, etc. Episodes 8 to 17 were recorded while I was at the Creative Climate Leadership USA course in Arizona in March 2020 (led by Julie’s Bicycle). Episode 18 is a compilation of highlights from these conversations.

Season 2 (March 2021 – ) explores the concept of reality and is about accepting reality, working through ecological grief and charting a path forward. The first episode of season 2 (e19 reality) mixes quotations from 28 authors with field recordings from simplesoundscapes and from my 1998 soundscape composition, Au dernier vivant les biens. One of my findings from this episode is that ‘I now see, and more importantly, I now feel in my bones, ‘the state of things as they actually exist’, without social filters or unsustainable stories blocking the way’. e19 reality touches upon 7 topics: our perception of reality, the possibility of human extinction, ecological anxiety and ecological grief, hope, arts, storytelling and the wisdom of indigenous cultures. The rest of season 2 features interviews with thought leaders about their responses and reactions to e19 reality.

my professional services

I’ve been retired from the Canada Council for the Arts since September 15, 2020 where I served as a senior strategic advisor in arts granting (2016-2020) and manager of the Inter-Arts Office (1999-2015). My focus in (quasi) retirement is environmental issues within my area of expertise in arts and culture, in particular in acoustic ecology. I’m open to become involved in projects that align with my values and that move forward environmental concerns. Feel free to email me for a conversation :

acknowledgement of eco-responsibility

I acknowledge that the production of the conscient podcast / balado conscient produces carbon. I try to minimize this carbon footprint by being as efficient as possible, including using GreenGeeks as my web server and acquiring carbon offsets for my equipment and travel activities from BullFrog Power and Less.

a word about privilege and bias

While recording episode 19 ‘reality’, I heard elements of ‘privilege’ in my voice that I had not noticed before. It sounded a bit like ‘ecological mansplaining’. I realize that, in spite of good intentions, I need to work my way through issues of privilege (of all kinds) and unconscious bias the way I did through ecological anxiety and grief during the fall of 2020. My re-education is ongoing.

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