Monthly Archives: September 2024

Temporary disruption to CSPA programs and services

Dear Creative Green Tools Canada Users,

We want to inform you of an upcoming, temporary disruption in service that may affect your access to support for the platform. Due to delays in the disbursement of funds that have been allocated for the ongoing maintenance and development of Creative Green Tools Canada, there may be interruptions in platform availability and support services starting from Monday, September 30, 2024, until we receive the delayed funds.

While the necessary funding has been approved by our partners, the transfer process has unfortunately been delayed. We have worked diligently to manage these delays internally, but we’ve now reached a point where it is unavoidable. We are in close communication with our funders, who are aware of the urgency of the situation, and we are hopeful that the issue will be resolved. We will keep you updated as we receive more information.

In the meantime, we encourage you to reach out to your municipal, provincial and federal arts funders to advocate for the importance of having tools for the arts and culture sector to take climate action.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes and deeply appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your continued support of Creative Green Tools Canada.


The CSPA Team

untune residency

untune is accepting applications for its Fall Residency (November 1-27, 2024).

Applicants from all disciplines and modes of expression are welcomed to apply!

This season untune welcomes creatives exploring issues concerning FOOD-insecurity, sovereignty, and its impacts on our modern food systems. Residents are offered guidance, a dedicated working space, and time to work on individual or collaborative projects, and engage in untune’s daily land stewarding practices to learn new skills and strengthen our cohabitation instincts in an environment that fosters the spirit of reciprocity.

Residency fees cover accommodation for 26 days, 3 meals/day, inner-city travel, workspace and access to materials on-site.

fall residency deadline: October 1, 2024, 11:59pm PST

More information can be found on the website.
Reach out if you have other questions:


untune is an organism reliant on the contribution of interchanging parts—a social experiment in building support and natural resources with parameters continually reset to remain grounded in current issues relating to the correlation between culture, land, and food sovereignty—a creative entity for learning and supporting the teachings of Indigenous ecocultural knowledge against a backdrop of modern colonial systems that continue to impact the level of care for the earth and their inhabitants.

The residency takes place at Canvas 5025, on Chumash and Tongva land, located in the San Rafael hills in North East Los Angeles. We are dedicated to understanding the land we occupy and learning how to better support Indigenous culture and sociocultural history through our stewardship.

Curious about more open calls? Or have one you’d like us to share? Visit our open calls page!

Support Creative Green Tools Canada!

Sign our petition! Every signature counts!

We’re gathering support for the Creative Green Tools Canada – Outils Creative Green Canada. If you find value in the Tools and recognize their potential to drive bold climate action within the arts and culture sector, we’d be grateful if you could sign our petition and share it with your friends and network. 

Thank you for your support!

Nous cherchons à mobiliser un soutien continu pour le projet Creative Green Tools Canada – Outils Creative Green Canada. Si vous appréciez les outils et leur potentiel pour encourager une action climatique audacieuse dans le secteur des arts et de la culture, nous vous serions reconnaissants de signer notre pétition et de la partager avec vos amis et votre réseau.

Merci de votre soutien!

Residencies in Mustarinda, Spring 2025

Open Call for residencies in Mustarinda, Spring 2025

Artists, writers, curators, thinkers, and researchers—whether working alone or in groups—are invited to apply!

Available residency periods:


2 weeks from 16th January – 31st January 2025

1 month periods February – April

Application deadline: 30th September 2024

The Open Call welcomes all manner of practices, mediums, practitioners, and projects. The Call is not thematic but built around the aspirations of Mustarinda. The Mustarinda Association (est. 2009) is a community at the center of which lies contemporary art, boundary-crossing research, experimentations of practice and theory, communication, education, and events. In addition to our residency program, the Mustarinda Association is both leading and involved in a number of projects, collaborations, and long-term goals that continue to shape the Mustarinda organism.

For more information and how to apply:

Mustarinda in 2025

The multitude of ongoing ecological crises influence the lives of all communities, whether they are human or more-than-human. Strengthening communities and their social cohesion is essential when adjusting to the rapidly changing climate and the environments in which we live. Mustarinda seeks ways to ensure that we are all kept afloat together through the ecological transition whilst also building paths towards a post-fossil future. 

In 2025 Mustarinda continues its determined efforts towards cultural shifts and the ecological transition through community-based work as well as politically engaged projects. With the Art National Park initiative Mustarinda commits its time, knowledge, and efforts towards the wellbeing and protection of the forest in Vaara-Kainuu area.

The activities of Mustarinda range from the ongoing work with local communities in our Sinipyrstö-project, to the development of the cultural vitality of the Northern region. Sinipyrstö is funded partially by EU grant initiatives whilst the regional work receives resources from the Oulu2026 European Capital of Culture program.

This open call is for residents who find inspiration, interest, commonality, or solidarity in Mustarinda’s objectives of building stronger, more resilient communities and ecosocial wellbeing, highlighting environmental values, and protecting nature as well as the region’s unique ecosystem.

We welcome you to think along with us during your residency and beyond. Should you wish to do so, the residency also offers an opportunity to join in exploring all the different dimensions of the multi-disciplinary Art National Park (ANP) initiative. However, this is not a brief for a thematic residency, and joining the shaping of the ANP concept does not need to be part of your work plan and/or the resonances with ANP can emerge in organic ways. Your individual or collective practice is valued in its own right, and we do not wish to limit your application through highlighting the ANP initiative.