The Australian Earth Laws Alliance Announces RONA16, a networked event for Australian Creatives.

The Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) will be hosting the first Australian Rights of Nature Tribunal in Brisbane on 22nd October 2016. To support this landmark event, AELA Earth Arts have launched RONA16, a network of creative events around the country during September and October, and an open invitation for everyone to participate and join the   celebrations.

Earth Arts is the creative branch of AELA, with its own dedicated team of arts and legal professionals, who deliver research and events that explicitly connect the philosophies and practice between the arts, environment and governance. Each year, Earth Arts focuses their work on a specific program, in 2016 its RONA16 focusing on the Rights of  Nature.

What are the Rights of  Nature?

Modern industrialised societies treat the natural world as if it is merely human property  and can be bought, sold and destroyed at our whim. This lack of respect for the ecosystems that sustain all life is one of the root causes of the ecological crisis we face today. The Rights of Nature movement advocates for recognising in law, that the natural world or ‘Earth community’ is sacred and has the right to exist, thrive and regenerate its vital cycles, and we – the people – have the legal authority to protect these rights on behalf of the Earth community.

The Rights of Nature Tribunal will hear cases presented by citizens and Earth lawyers concerned about the destruction of ecosystems in Australia. It will also be a celebration of the incredible natural world of which we are a part. To support the Tribunal and promote cultural engagement with this emerging movement, RONA16 will showcase events that blend creative re- interpretations of environmental governance with cultural responses to the rights of the natural world to flourish. There are two opportunities to get involved: attend the curated exhibition and event series in Brisbane this October; or host your own event (art  exhibition,  performance, creative conversation) and join a network of RONA16 events happening across Australia – for full details visit

RONA16 is a nation-wide invitation for artists, galleries, groups and organisations, to exhibit your creative and cultural responses to the rights of the natural  world.

All inquiries to RONA16 Assistant National Coordinator, AELA  Earth  Arts:

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