Initial Grant: Invoking the Pause
ITP provides for a “creative pause†– a reflective retreat for a team to take time away in a place of beauty of their choice.
•”Pause” Purpose: to engage in collaborative conversations and develop ideas and/or strategies about how to craft a meaningful response to climate challenge issues.
•Grant Size: Up to $10,000 is available for selected projects, to cover expenses directly related to the project as outlined in the grant proposal budget.
Preference is given to a team of individuals who bring different yet complementary skills to the effort. To be considered for a grant, applicants must each have:
Three or more years of experience working in the particular field of interest;
Some familiarity and/or experience in working with the other team members;
The ability to complete your project within five months of receiving the grant.
Application Details For 2017 Grants:
Please submit no more than 6 proposal pages (plus additional *3 maximum attachments*) with the following information:
-Name and contact information for each collaborator with short resume/bio for each – please identify key contact person, email and physical mailing address
-Synopsis of the proposed project idea, its desired impact and how your particular collaboration may leverage action on some climate challenge issue
-Reveal how you heard about Invoking the Pause and explain what draws you to this opportunity
-Brief description of previous collaboration, if applicable
-Logistics: location, time frame, structure and creative elements
-Proposed budget of expenses directly related to your “pause”
-Up to *3 attachments: PDF’s, media files, links etc., that further illustrate your ideas
For collaborations not part of a recognized nonprofit, federal grant-making law requires that you obtain a fiscal sponsor. Please provide a letter of support from this organization with your application.
Please submit your application BY JANUARY 31, 2017 to Arlene Hilliard:
Applicants will be notified by March 30, 2017
Second Phase Grant Opportunities will be available later in 2017 after the annual Grant Partner Gathering. Please see the Existing Grant Partner Application Process page of this website for more information.