Ian Garrett

MELD nominated for theCOAL PRIZE ART & ENVIRONMENT 2015!

MELD is thrilled to announce that we have been selected for our Climate Change Opera with Australian Artist, Shaun Gladwell, and Climate Scientist,Cynthia Rosenzweig.  The Award Presentation will take place next Thursday, September 17th at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature in Paris.

The COAL Prize Art and Environment rewards each year a project by a contemporary artist involved in environmental issues. Its goals are to promote and support the vital role which art and creation play in raising awareness, supporting concrete solutions and encouraging a culture of ecology. The winner is selected out of ten short-listed entries by a jury of well- known specialists in art, research, ecology and sustainable development

In 2015, from November 30 to December 10, France will host the 21th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21). The COP21 is a key international meeting to negotiate an international agreement to fight climate change. Its goal is to engage all countries through a universal binding climate agreement to contain global warming to 2 degrees Celsius by 2100.

The special 2015 edition of the COAL Prize Art and Environment seizes the opportunity of COP21 to open the doors to the wider public and show the political players that there are alternative ways to comprehend the complexity of the climate challenge; to achieve a sustainable cultural shift inspired by creativity and innovation.

The agenda of COP21 is primarily scientific and political. The COAL Prize provides an alternative agenda, recognizing that for a real cultural shift, we need to encourage a diverse range of citizens to engage with the topic. Arts and culture have always played a critical role in responding to political, environmental and social issues.

This sixth edition of the COAL Prize Art and Environment is part of ArtCOP21 : an exceptional cultural festival initiate by COAL and our UK partners Cape Farewell, that will take place in France during COP21. ArtCOP21 is an unprecedented collaboration of cultural actors who are keen to instigate an ecological transition towards a healthier environment- through arts and culture. The mission of ArtCOP21 is to engage the wider public in creating a positive vision for a sustainable future.

Launched in 2010 by the French organization COAL, the Coalition for art and sustainable development, the COAL Prize is supported by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, and the National Centre of Plastic Arts (CNAP). It promotes and supports each year the project of a contemporary artist on the environmental theme determined through an international call for entries.

Shaun & Cynthia, Shot on location in Paris, France | July 7th, 2015


Alex Hartley (Angleterre, Né en 1963), Nowhere
Collective Disaster (Belgique), Temple of Holy Shit
FICTILIS (Timothy Furstnau et Andrea Steves – USA), True Market Cost
Julie Navarro (France, Née en 1972), Droséra
Livin Studio (Katharina Unger et Julia Kaisinger) – Autriche, Fungi Mutarium
Mare Liberum (USA), Mergitur sed Regurgitat
MELD (USA – Australie-Grèce), Climate Change Opera
Monte Laster (USA-France, Né en 1959), CO-OP
Stéfane Perraud et Aram Kebabdjian (France, Nés en 1975 et 1978), Soleil Noir
Yesenia Thibault-Picazo (France, Née en 1987), Craft in the Anthropocene