Ian Garrett



PLAYA is looking for a Residency Manager who will live on location and oversee coordination and planning of the residency experience including pre-application communications, managing logistics of on-site residencies, and supporting Playa’s external programming.

PLAYA’s Mission

On the edge of the Great Basin, PLAYA offers creative individuals the space, the solitude and the community to reflect and to engage their work through its residency program. PLAYA supports innovative thinking through work in the arts, literature, natural sciences and other fields of creative inquiry and encourages dialogue between disciplines to bring positive change to the environment and the world.

PLAYA, in south central Oregon, is a retreat for creative individuals who are committed and passionate about their work and who will benefit from time spent in a remote location. PLAYA offers seclusion and quiet in a natural environment and the opportunity for interaction, if desired, with a cohort of residents and the local rural community. A residency provides the time and space to create substantive work or to research and reflect upon one’s creative or scientific processes. www.playasummerlake.org

The Residency Manager’s primary responsibility will be oversight of the residency program and to help create an unpressured and hospitable experience of solitude and creative interaction for residents. Working closely with the Executive Director, the Residency Manager will develop new programming that will enhance the residency experience as well as connecting with the local community and beyond.

The ideal candidate for this position will be a professional working artist or scientist with strong interpersonal communication skills and administrative experience, particularly within a non-profit. In addition the candidate should be organized, flexible, detail-oriented, and a self-motivated problem solver. Applicant must be committed to a multidisciplinary approach to change.

Applicant must have a minimum of 2 years experience working with diverse arts organizations (or equivalent) and possess strong knowledge and experience of careers in creative fields. The applicant should have experience with a variety of software including Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, social media and others. Experience in design, donor relations, program development or fundraising is helpful but not required. Send resume and cover letter to deborahford@playasummerlake.org.

Applicant must be comfortable living in an isolated rural community.

Duties and responsibilities include:

Managing Residency Program

  • Refine and update necessary documents for residency program, including but not limited to guidelines, applications, evaluations, website content, schedules and more.
  •  Organize and manage application process and selection committee
  • Manage “submittable” information
  • Maintain files on applicants
  • Update residency schedules, studio spaces and more with spread sheets
  • Communicate with applicants about pre-residency information and selection process
  • Update and maintain database, mailing lists, alumni and donor contacts
  • Assist with arrivals and departures, orientations and weekly dinner presence.
  • Administer and collect check out sheets and evaluations.

Support communications and administration:
The Residency Manager will collaborate with the Executive Director to:

  • Develop a strategic vision for integrating the arts and sciences and expanding recognition of Playa’s programs.
  • Increase communications and programs within the local community
  • Create and disseminate newsletters and media-releases, both online and print
  • Maintain social media and web presence.
  • Help identify and cultivate relevant new programming, emerging artists and scientists
  • Assist with purchasing, bookkeeping and basic banking.
  • Work with ED on building strong donor base, networking, advocacy and interaction with other nonprofits, corporations and partnerships locally and nationally.
  • Communicate with, and some oversight of, Playa site assistant(s) and seasonal help.
  • Maintain documentation about procedures and operations.

Hours: 40 hours per week with flexible scheduling. Some weekends and evenings required.
Compensation: $40,000-45,000 depending upon qualifications and experience.
How to apply: Send cover letter and resume with three references to:


Position start date: Open until filled.

PLAYA is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, sex, religion, marital status or national origin.

Centre for Performance Research CURRENT OPEN CALLS FOR SUBMISSIONS: Volume 21, Issue 2 – On/At Sea

Volume 21, Issue 2 – On/At Sea

Deadline: 6 July 2015

ON SEA / AT SEA considers how performance practice and critical perspectives on performance can be affected by the fluidity, endless motion, unchartable terrains, and endless liquid condition of the sea.

Stories about the sea or set on the sea are almost always performed on dry stages. How often does performance go to sea, as a place? Does the need for survival in this place render artistic, performative expression as something superfluous and trivial? How can a performance culture be shaped by this liquid, ever-moving terrain? Is perhaps, the sea a place where performance is suspended momentarily? – lost, at sea? For we are seldom actually ON the sea: a boat may seem to float on it, but it is always half-submerged, half-sinking into this medium. And being AT sea is a giving over to the elements, a risk taken, and a casting off from attachments and moorings.

The sea is a space just beyond every coastline of the world: to many a homogenous surface of restless, endless movement that connects all the coastlines of the world. The sea is said to be just as unknown to us as the stars and galaxies. But this unknown is an ‘inner space’, within our planetary atmosphere: a place of submerged things and intimate secrets, that lie so close to us yet remains a mystery. Beneath the planetary cortex where synapses flash between cities and grids of terrestrial industry, there is the ocean, our space within. The odd fibre-optic cable is laid down, occasionally a submarine blinks its lonely lights here, and wreckage drifts to rest here… but on the whole this space sleeps beneath us, detached, and at a different speed. The sea is our planetary subconscious, keeping secrets, then revealing them with a theatrical power: with the wreck of the Titanic, the ruins of Heracleon, the horrors awaiting the salvagers of the tomblike Kursk submarine a year after it was disabled on the Russian seabed, and the [as yet] unfound wreck of Air Malaysia Flight 370. Most recently, it has been revealed as a tragic space of border-crossing, with the attempted crossing of oceans by refugees from North Africa, Indonesia, and Haiti into westernised ‘promised lands’ (Europe, North America, Australia). As well as a site for human fears and tragedies, the sea also carries within it environmental anxieties and portents of collapse: the giant North Pacific gyre, the dismembered trunks of finned sharks, the explosion of Deep Water Horizon in 2011, or the bellies of dead fish and animals filled with plastic.

This editorial interest focuses on the sea as an unbounded, unfixed territory with no recognizable performance cartographies, asking the question – how often does performance go to sea? This is both a literal and poetic question, thus inquiring about specific nautical performances ‘on the sea’, as well as the poetic state of being ‘at sea’, that is, within a fluid, unfixed, or liquid condition. This issue of Performance Research also responds to the themes and discourse generated by the PSi#21 Fluid States globally dispersed conference in 2015. The editors invite contributions research projects and Psi#21 Fluid States participants that:

  • Gather texts on the sea and its relation to performance
  • Examine performance at sea, under the sea, on boats, or in coastal/tidal areas
  • Consider unknown spaces beyond and within, especially where the sea and oceans are concerned.
  • Draw on discourses from the PSi Fluid States dispersed conference
  • Develop new definitions for fluidity and nomadism as philosophic, relational paradigms
  • Investigate ‘liquid dramaturgies’, moving away from perspectives on performance as a linear experience beholden to dramaturgical or narrative structures.
  • Present new perspectives for performance, emerging from a philosophy born from the endless movement of the ocean, celebrating liquid, restless, and volatile contexts or processes.
  • Examine new cartographies and navigation for performance in liquid states
  • Address issues of migrancy, temporality, flux, uncertainty, and transience in relation to contemporary performance, contemporary culture, and oceanic concerns

‘On Sea / At Sea’ invites artists, practitioners, and theorists to submit proposals for critical articles (between 2,000 and 8,000 words), documents or artist’s pages, which examine, re-perform, or re-present performance in relation to the sea and liquid, fluid conditions. In keeping with the inclusive nature of the ‘Fluid States’ project, submissions are invited from a broad spectrum of perspectives and practices, focusing on a common relationship with liquidity, the sea, and oceanic states.

Sam Trubridge is the Artistic Director of The Performance Arcade in Wellington, NZ and the convenor for ‘Deep Anatomy’ – the Bahamas cluster for Psi#21 Fluid States.

Richard Gough is Artistic Director of the Centre for Performance Research, Professor of Performance Research at Falmouth University and a Fellow of the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures”, Freie Universitat, Berlin. He is the general editor of Performance Research and was founding president of PSi.

Proposals:                             6 July 2015
First Drafts:                           October 2015
Publication Date:                  April 2016

ALL proposals, submissions and general enquiries should be sent direct to the Journal at: info@performance-research.org

Issue-related enquiries should be directed to issue editors: Sam Trubridge samtrubridge@gmail.com and Richard Gough cprgough@gmail.com

General Guidelines for Submissions:

  • Before submitting a proposal we encourage you to visit our website (http://www.performance-research.org/) and familiarize yourself with the journal.
  • Proposals will be accepted by e-mail (MS-Word or RTF). Proposals should not exceed one A4 side.
  • Please include your surname in the file name of the document you send.
  • Submission of images and visual material is welcome, PROVIDED that all attachments DO NOT exceed 5MB, and a maximum of 5 images.
  • Submission of a proposal will be taken to imply that it presents original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • If your proposal is accepted, you will be invited to submit an article in first draft by the deadline indicated above. On the final acceptance of a completed article you will be asked to sign an author agreement in order for your work to be published in Performance Research.

PQ International Eco-soirée

Very excited to announce EcoScenography’s first International gathering for eco-focused designers and performance makers as part of the 2015 Prague Quadrennial. This will be a wonderful opportunity to catch up with like-minded artists over food and a glass of wine. Please note: this will be a private party (with limited numbers) in a secret location and so the exact address will be emailed (or sent in a private message) to you closer to the time. For more details join the EcoScenography FB group via: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ecoscenography/

2 Degrees Festival

1-7 June, 2015.


2 Degrees Festival asks:

What can we do together to create a sustainable future?

International artists present cutting-edge responses to climate change, urging you to act now to build a more positive future.

A programme of performance, debate and public installations will take place in tree-tops, office blocks and theatres in and around Toynbee Studios, at the crossroads of the East End and The City.

2 Degrees Festival is Artsadmin’s biennial celebration of art, environment and activism. It aims to inspire, connect, and empower people to create solutions for a sustainable future.

Join in – bring your friends.

For more information visit the 2 Degrees Tumblr site, follow #2DegreesFestivalon Twitter and/or sign-up to our mailing list to receive updates.

2 Degrees Festival is delivered by Artsadmin and supported by Arts Council England, the Ashden Trust, the European Commission Culture Programme as part of Imagine 2020.

No.9 News

Water’s Edge

Photograph by Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas Images Chinstrap penguins, Zavodovski and Visokoi Islands, South Sandwich Islands, November and December, 2009

Water’s Edge is a Pam Am commissioned large-scale photographic exhibition exploring the often tenuous balance where human civilization, land, and water meet. This exhibition will bring to light recent concerns regarding the sustainability of our global fresh water supply and the impact that human development is having on this precious life-sustaining resource.

Curated by Andrew Davies, Water’s Edge will feature works by six exemplary Pan American photographers: Edward Burtynsky, James Balog, Sebastiao Salgado, Cristina Mittermeier, Jorge Uzon and Gustavo Jononovich.

The Exhibition will take place at Union Station and Pearson International Airport with an opening launch on July 9th to coincide with the Pan Am Games. There will also be a symposium on fresh water issues at Evergreen Brick Works featuring the Artists and their work on July 10th. More information on the opening of Water’s Edge and tickets for the symposium will be announced at a later date.

No.9 Eco-Art-Fest @ Todmorden Mills

No.9 is excited to announce the return of the Eco-Art-Fest at Todmorden Mills this summer! The festival will run from June 20 to September 13 on Fridays (12PM – 10PM), Saturdays (12PM – 10PM) and Sundays (12PM – 5PM). No.9 will feature four new artists, two returning artists, art tours, educational workshops, and delicious food and beer! There will be live music every Saturday from 7PM – 9PM. Register for Handscapes, Poetics of Architecture, and music workshops by contacting Emily Foster (e.foster@no9.ca). Drop-in for Clay Making workshops (Noon – 7pm), and Public Art Tours (Noon, 2, 4, and 6pm) daily. More information will be available soon!

Imagining My Sustainable City Hamilton

No.9, in partnership with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board and Evergreen CityWorks, officially launched IMSC Hamilton in January, with a total of 14 schools across Hamilton scheduled for 2015. The call to action aligns with No.9’s and Evergreen’s mission to educate the next generation about the development of sustainable communities.

No.9 continues to engage members of the OAA as volunteers during IMSC, and practicing professionals in the Hamilton area are encouraged to contact No.9 to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Following the completion of the first nine schools in June, there will be a culminating exhibit to showcase the students’ work at the Lime Ridge Mall. The exhibit will highlight the ideas and innovations to invited dignitaries, press, and school board representatives, as well as the public. Stay tuned for more information!<

Zone 10 Pan Am Path Art Relay

In preparation for the 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games, No.9, in partnership with Friends of the Pan Am Path, Centennial College, and in Consultation with Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts, has commissioned Toronto artist Sean Martindale to develop and realize a wall art installation across the north facing walls of the Centennial College Ashtonbee campus. Sean will mentor four Centennial College students to develop an installation that highlights the potential of the hydro corridor’s sprawling grasslands as a local attraction.

In March, No.9 and Sean engaged 25 students from the Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts in a half-day design workshop, and their visions for the wall art installation will be considered, and potentially implemented, in the final design. The official mural unveiling is scheduled for Friday, July 17 from 3PM – 5PM.

Call for Proposals ~ ASTR 2015 Working Session: “Ecology and/of/in Performance”

Growing out of the performance and ecology seminar at ASTR 2005/Toronto, and continuing as a research group atASTR’s 2010/Seattle, 2012/Nashville, and 2014/Baltimore conferences, this research group has been at the fore of the emergent field of performance and ecology. In 2015, in response to ASTR’s theme “Debating the Stakes in Theatre and Performance Scholarship,” we turn our attention to the ecological stakes in performance, with particular focus on recent developments in postcolonial eco-theatre, environmental justice, eco-materialisms, and the anthropocene/climate change. Drawing together research and performance from the Global South and the Global North, and building on the anthologies (such as Readings in Performance and Ecology, edited by Theresa May and Wendy Arons, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), publications, and research-engaged performance spawned by this working group over the past decade, this session will forward the conversation by calling for inquiries into how theatre and artistic performances, in an age of intense climate change, engage/critique/reveal ecological discourses embedded in postcolonialism, eco-materialisms, and activism. 

Pursuing what May calls “ecodramaturgy” (2011), this year’s session will focus on how theatre and artistic performance engages four emerging threads (in anticipation of a second volume of essays on performance and ecology): 1) urgency and eco-theater and performance in the age of the anthropocene; 2) eco-materialisms, including the agency of/in material formation; 3) postcolonial eco-theater; and 4) environmental justice and activism. These threads have an uneasy relationship with one another: scholarship on the anthropocene has often fallen prey to an apocalypticism that erases postcolonial and class-based concerns, while much eco-activism has been accused of being so local in scope that it disregards trans-global environmental issues and effects. However, by putting these four recent trends in environmental scholarship in dialogue with one another, we propose to debate their interrelatedness and efficacy for and within theatre and performance. 

Specifically, papers might pursue the following questions: 

  • How does performance practice reveal, engage, and/or negotiate the urgent call to recognize human ecological influence in the age of the anthropocene? 
  • How do interpretations of climate change and other international ecological issues in performance contribute to a global understanding of human influence? Do these performance practices make geographical boundaries more or less permeable and/or political? 
  • How do ideas of eco-materiality inform ecological readings of performance and/or ecological meaning-making in performance? How might eco-materialist engagements in performance productively bring awareness of life, nature, and matter? How do these engagements deliberate related future possibilities in ways that also push ecology and performance scholarship in fresh directions? 
  • How might postcolonial and indigenous ecologies critique neoliberal approaches (such as resourcism and extractivism) to current ecological conditions? 
  • How does artistic performance intersect the concerns of social, political and ecological oppressions and/or exclusions in ways that advocate for environmental justice? In what ways does performance practice provoke ecological debate and/or facilitate community engagement in eco-activism? 

Other questions, approaches and topics that clearly address any of the four identified threads of inquiry. 

In advance of the conference, session participants will exchange papers and engage in peer review of one another’s work in order to raise key questions around the threads of:

  1. the anthropocene/climate change in/through performance;
  2. eco-materialisms;
  3. postcolonial eco-theater; and
  4. environmental justice and activism in performance.

We will be holding online discussions around these themes and relevant, related practice, through theASTR website Group function. At the conference, we will be meeting for three hours. Roughly, the first hour and a half will be dedicated to small group discussion around these threads by sub-sets of participants; the second hour and a half will include a round-table discussion in which the sub-groups share the key connections and conundrums emerging from their joint discussion of research and collectively outline a structure and timeline for the next volume of critical essays in this field. 

Please send an abstract of approximately 300 words along with a brief biographical note as a Word attachment to all three Working Session conveners below by May 31st: 

Karen O’Brien, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (obrien@unc.edu) 

Lisa Woynarski, Royal Central School of Speech & Drama (lisa.woynarski@cssd.ac.uk) 

Courtney Ryan, University of California, Los Angeles (crdram12@gmail.com) 

Apply to the Vermi-Prize

wormculture-logoWin accolades from your fans, and $250!

~ HOW? ~  Make art – sculptures, paintings, drawings, videos, poems, net art, music, dance, creative designs, architecture, etc – that celebrates composting worms. See examples of what has been made in this genre on the wormculture.org blog. To stimulate the creation and promotion of cultural works about composting worms, four Vermi-Prizes (each $250 USD) will be awarded to artists who have created excellent new content.

~ WHY? ~  Because more art about worms is a good thing. More vermicomposting (worm composting) is a good thing. And worms need better public relations. Many of the submissions will be posted on the wormculture.org blog. This is not an e-commerce site – and all artists retain all rights to their work. The mission of Wormculture.org is to encourage and promote creative culture around composting worms.

~ SUBMIT ~  Send documentation of  your work (use Dropbox.com or WeTransfer.com, for larger files), or send URL links to your work, along with a short artist statement about it to Amy Youngs via email: ayoungs@gmail.com

~ DEADLINE ~  May 24, 2015. Awards announced in June.

~ WHO ~  Artist Amy M. Youngs initiated this prize as part of her exhibition, VermiCulture Makers Club taking place at the Kentucky School of Art. She has been creating worm-related artworks since 2004, and wants to invite others to join in. She commissioned a new worm-inspired music piece by Krzysztof Topolski, premiering at the exhibition. The honorarium she receives as a visiting artist at the Kentucky School of Art will fund the Vermi-Prizes. She also thanks her employer, the Ohio State University, College of Arts and Sciences, for granting her a sabbatical to pursue this project.

Open Call: Philosophy of the City

  • University of Hong Kong, November 6-7
  • Portland State University, November 21-22
  • Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, December 3-4

Some description Download and Print the POTC 2015 Flyer

Philosophy of the City has emerged as an international movement. To facilitate global discussions, this conference series aims to establish new channels for dialogue.

Presentations can be in any area of philosophy of the city. Interdisciplinary approaches and neighboring disciplines are welcome. Each conference will feature sessions dedicated to addressing the challenges for ecology, technology, and democracy in current and future cites. At each conference, philosophers will engage in trans-disciplinary discussions with urban planners during special roundtable sessions.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Tensions between political authority and community autonomy
  • Architectural preservation and sustainable buildings
  • The city and social protest
  • Alternatives to gentrification
  • Smart cities, ecological considerations and human flourishing
  • Participatory approaches to budgeting, planning, and environmental regulations
  • Urban food sovereignty
  • Contributions from the history of philosophy to the city’s future
  • Big data and the public good
  • Immigration and citizenship
  • Graffiti and street art
  • New forms of municipal democracy
  • Is housing a public good?
  • Segregation/white flight vs. gentrification/white reterritorialization
  • Securing the city: rethinking police protocols and motivations
  • Ethical measurements: the morality of urban metrics
  • Democratic control of infrastructure
  • Zoning, land-use policy, and the rights of nature
  • Future cities: eco-villages, megacities, or both?
  • Megacities, complexity and justice
  • The quality of local democracy
  • Street harassment; Gender and Public Space
  • The right to a wired city

For more information, please find us on Facebook or Twitter. You can also add “Philosophy of The City” to your research interests onAcademia.

Conference organizing committee: Brian Elliott, Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Luis Ruben Diaz, and Shane Epting and brought to you by the Philosophy of the City Research Group


Send abstracts to Shane Epting at potc2015@gmail.com by May 31, 2015. Include the city of your choice in the subject line. For submissions in Spanish for Mexico City, send emails to Luis Diaz at the same email address above.

Confirmed Speakers

Hong Kong Keynote Speaker: Daniel A. Bell (Tsinghua University)

Portland Keynote Speaker: Ingrid Leman Stefanovic (Simon Fraser University)
– featuring an invited talk by Robert M. Figueroa (Oregon State University)

Mexico City Keynote Speaker: Lewis Gordon (University of Connecticut)

Announcing SEEDS & SOUL: Indigenous Cultural Exchange and Festival

Announcing SEEDS & SOUL: Indigenous Cultural Exchange and Festival | Campaign Launch

Spring Shout out!

Last year’s trans-national & trans-indigenous SEED project collaborations are sprouting a strong new vision…

DANCING EARTH is teaming up with AUDIOPHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS COLLECTIVE to bring the San Francisco Bay Area’s first


SEEDS & SOUL is an indigenous-led, women-led festival harnessing the power of music, performance, arts, nourishing food, as well as respectfulcultural and knowledge exchanges to strengthen bridges among Indigenous peoples of the Bay Area – rural and urban; local and diasporic.

Date: October 11, 2015
In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day!

Location: Joaquin Miller Park OR Lake Merritt Park in Oakland
or elsewhere that can be sacred, intentional space

DE_Audio_Video-2We need your support to launch this effort, and bring SEEDS & SOUL to the San Fran Bay Area!

Our Hatchfund crowdfunding campaign just launched. It’s an exciting way to give to this community-powered, indigenous-led effort.

All donations to the Hatchfund campaign are tax-deductible,
and we have many life-enriching PERKS to offer!

Click on any of the perks below to see our campaign page, and support this people-powered festival with a tax-deductible donation!


Now is the best time to give!

The People’s Match Fund will match your contribution, dollar for dollar, up to the first $1780 raised!

People's Match Fund-1

Earlier in March we raised the People’s Match Fund from close friends through a benefit dinner generously hosted in Oakland’s Bissap Baobab restaurant. The momentum we started a month ago is only increasing as an incredibly wide range of allied communities hear of our ideas, and are stepping into our circle of co-creation!

This wide community engagement is at the core of our vision, and we want to be heartily prepared to support the diversity of hearts and hands that will bring this festival to life!

Photo Credit Nikila Badua

Here are just some of the collaborators who have expressed interest…

Community Collaborators

Here’s where you come in…

Will you join this wave of support, and offer

a donation to support our emerging coalition of artists,

culture-bearers, and community builders?

Some SEEDS take a village…

so Spread The Word About This Festival Campaign!

Click our Facebook links here: Dancing Earth | Audiopharmacy

Email organizations that vibe with SEEDS & SOUL and individuals who might be interested in contributing to Indigenous arts or projects that promote diverse, unified and resilient communities, and positive social change.

Sign up to be an ambassador for this campaign! As an ambassador beyond helping spread the word, you can jump into the behind-the-scenes work of the campaign and festival. Every hour of volunteer help makes a big difference!

Email us if you’d like a packet with more info and helpful materials to spread the word: SeedsAndSoul@gmail.com

A Personal Note from Jo “Love/Speak” Cruz, Rulan Tangen, and Javier Stell-Fresquez:

We know how inundated we often are with requests for money, and that you may or may not be able to provide substantial resources at this moment in time. Just know that any amount makes a difference and, if you are not able to give, helping to spread the word can be equally powerful, and we’re in need of volunteers for this campaign and festival.

We’re making big moves, and bringing in so much awesome energy! All the warmth and generosity is washing over us and pushing us forward.
Love is a force. And we believe it stretches across distance and time. Like the movie Interstellar imagines, our ancestors are perhaps the very source of the gravity that roots us.

With deep gratitude,

Who We Are

Rulan Tangen  - Jo “Love/Speak” Cruz – Javier Stell-Fresquez

Rulan Tangen photos by © Paulo T. Photography


CSPA Quarterly Q12: On Environment now available on MagCloud

Though the environment is necessarily a key theme in a Quarterly devoted to sustainability, in this issue we take a particularly sharp focus on in. In particular, we examine environment in scenography, performance, art and theater. Part two of a four-part series on the four pillars of sustainability, recognized by CSPA as: environmental awareness & responsibility, economic stability, cultural infrastructure, and social equity.

Source: CSPA Quarterly | Q12: On Environment | MagCloud