Ian Garrett

Green Awards at LDI

LDI – the country’s foremost entertainment industry trade conference – and Showman Fabricators – NYC’s largest and most diverse scenic fabrication shop – are teaming together to bring to the forefront sustainability of the Entertainment Technology field.

Green Awards

One method to accomplish this will be to present two Green Awards at the LDI awards ceremony.  The two awards are the Best Green Product Award and the Best Green Show/Project Award.  These awards, in their inaugural year, will bring a focus to companies who have made strides in the greening of the entertainment technology field.

If you have participated in any shows or projects which have taken steps to create a greener production value, we invite you to nominate the show or project.  We are not limiting the award to shows of a specific size, but rather encourage all those involved in shows or projects which have been able to integrate some measure of sustainability into their production to nominate that production.

nomination process

If you know of a show or event that has made strides, the nomination process is simple.  The linked form will need to be filled out.  Please be as descriptive as possible, and if you need additional space feel free to extend to a second page.  This form is due by October 8th.  Additionally we will require a 2 minute or less electronic presentation (either PowerPoint or video) that will be used at LDI.  Some presentations may be incorporated into the Green Day panels at LDI, and all events will be on display for three days as part of a Green Technology Today Showcase – a booth about sustainability which will be on the tradeshow floor.  These opportunities will give those in the entertainment technology industry a chance to see what you are doing.  This presentation will need to be submitted by October 27th.


Projects will be judged on several criteria including their originality, use of green techniques, environmental impact, and message to an audience.


Both awards will be presented at the LDI awards ceremony on November 21st however you do not need to be present to win.  LDI will feature the award winners in their magazine and on their website.


Any questions can be directed to Bob Usdin (718.935.9899 or busdin@showfab.com).
For additional information on LDI please visit www.ldishow.com.


LDI Green Awards Announcement and Nomination Form

LDI Green Awards Nomination Form

A Picture Can Show a Million? | Unique Scoop

Artist and activist, Chris Jordan creates amazing images that portray America’s consumption. Chris’ hope is that his images will have a different effect than raw numbers alone. Since simple numbers no matter how large can be rather abstract it can be difficult to connect with ones impact. Whereas a visual representation of vast quantities can help make meaning of 106,000 aluminum cans, the number used in the US every thirty seconds or two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.This project visually examines these vast and bizarre measures of our society, in large intricately detailed prints assembled from thousands of smaller photographs. The underlying desire is to emphasize the role of the individual in a society that is increasingly enormous, incomprehensible, and overwhelming.

via A Picture Can Show a Million? | Unique Scoop.

2009 Green Day

GREEN Day: Greening in the Entertainment Industry

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Join LDI in going GREEN! A full day dedicated to what the industry is doing—and can do—to reduce its carbon footprint and be environmentally smart!  A special full-day conference organized in conjunction with Showman Fabricators, as LDI “goes green.”

Sessions open to all LDI full-conference badge holders, and four-pack or eight-pack tickets.

PLUS: The Green Technology Today Showcase on the LDI Show Floor: November 20-22

Welcome and Kick-Off
Bob Usdin of Showman Fabricators and the Broadway Green Alliance kick off Green Day with an overview of what’s happening in various aspects of the industry. Featured speakers include David Taylor, Arup;

GD01 Why Bother? A Session for Skeptics!!!!!

Is there a Crisis?  The facts are indisputable when you see this evidence. Why is Greening in the entertainment industry important?  Beyond just the immediate carbon footprint of an event, talk about the ultimate payoff: Getting your audience to be green in their lives.
Learn about the 4-D’s, and how to deal with skeptics.

GD02 Green Standards: Alphabet Soup

LEED, CRI, Greenguard, FSC, Greenlabel, VOC, MERV, 3 R’s, CFC’s, Carbon Offsets: A whole new language has evolved around greening. What does it all mean? More importantly, what standards are useful for the entertainment industry? We’ll look at how to weigh claims and benefits in materials, products, and practices.

View Green Products from the LDI Show Floor
What are manufacturers and suppliers offering that are green?  LDI exhibitors are invited to showcase their products that can contribute to making productions greener and more sustainable.

GD03 Breakout Brainstorming Session:

This roundtable discussion will seek out Best/Better Practices being used around the country, in a completely ‘hands-on’ traditional brainstorming session with post-its and white boards. At the end of the session all ideas will be compiled and posted on a website. Bring every idea to the table no matter how crazy.

To focus attention, there will be three separate groups:
* Lighting / Sound / Projections
* Scenery / Staging / Props / Costumes
Buildings / Facilities / General Operations

GD04 Closing Session: The Proof is in the Pudding:

A look at projects from the past year that incorporated some green projects (productions, events, buildings, theatre companies, etc.) followed by a general discussion of where the entertainment industry can and should go to be green.

Green Pavillion

What are manufacturers and suppliers offering that are green?  LDI exhibitors are invited to showcase their products that can contribute to making productions greener and more sustainable; in conjunction with The Green Technology Today Showcase on the exhibit floor, presented by LDI and Showman Fabricators. For information on how to participate in this session and The Green Technology Today Showcase:rusdin@showfab.com. Click here to download the Green Pavilion form

via 2009 Green Day .

EcoArtTech – Ecology, Art, and Technology

WILD: The Conditions of Possibility for the Experience of Nature in the Everyday, 2009

Free Downloadable PDF at the link below.

This work is made possible in part by generous contributions from K2 Family Foundation, SolarOne Green Energy, Arts & Education Center, Colgate University and the Paul A. Garrison Faculty Research Fellowship, the Pine Lake Environmental Campus of Hartwick College, and a Turbulence Net Art Comission.

EcoArtTech | Ecology, Art, and Technology | PDFs.


Emerging Green Builders – Los Angeles
EGB-LA Committee
Upcoming Opportunities for Member Participation

Saturday, September 26, 2009 | 9am
Lifeguard Tower 4 | In front of 415 Pacific Coast Hwy, Santa Monica, CA
Near Annenberg Community Beach House | Parking south of 415 PCH

Event Description | Designers and builders are encouraged to come out and enjoy the morning on the beach with fellow Emerging Green Builders (EGB). We will design and create large and small scale scrap castles comprised of sand and your scrap materials. This is a great time to meet the group, learn about upcoming events, and of how you can become involved. Please review the Beach Rules included below.

What You Bring | Used scrap materials such as: window frames (no glass), doors, small furniture, lumber, ply, (no nails) and any decorative item that you can haul out to the beach. Sand castle tools such as: buckets, shovels and maybe a ladder. Bring a friend, co-worker, or partner.

Beach Rules | Normal beach restrictions will apply: No smoking, no fires or fireworks, no tents or temporary enclosures, lifeguards’ directions must be obeyed, etc. For more on Beach Rules, see http://www01.smgov.net/osm/beachrules.htm. Be sensible when choosing scrap to bring to the beach. If you are unsure about what you may bring or are looking for more information about this event, you may contact Paul at pjramirez@gmx.com

*Note | Tours of the Annenberg Community Beach House are at 11am, 1pm and 3pm for more information contact Paul at pjramirez@gmx.com

About EGB-LA
EGB-LA, a committee of the USGBC-LA Chapter provides emerging green builders, primarily young professionals and students, a network from which to gain knowledge and become involved in the green building community, established by the USGBC-LA.


APInews: Artist To Speak on Petaluma Wetlands Park

Patricia Johnson will discuss her collaborative Petaluma Wetlands Park project at the Nevada Museum of Art’s Center for Art + Environment LAB (Reno) in November.http://www.patriciajohanson.com The talk, November 13, 2009, is part of “Art and Infrastructure,” an exhibition of her drawings and designs on display in the museum’s CA+E LAB, September 19, 2009 – January 10, 2010. Using constructed and natural wetlands Johanson created a multipurpose public landscape in Petaluma, Calif., providing three miles of recreational use, educational programs and nature study alongside a facility that simultaneously processes human sewage, while also generating crops and creating wildlife habitats. “One of my missions as a designer is to create inclusive, life-supporting landscapes that broaden human understanding,” says Johanson on her Web site http://www.patriciajohanson.com. “Artists have always changed the way we see. Now we need to change the way we act.”

via APInews: Artist To Speak on Petaluma Wetlands Park .

APInews: Mapping the Desert/Deserting the Map

“Mapping the Desert/Deserting the Map” is “an arts-centered investigation” of Californias deserts by UC Riversides Sweeney Art Gallery, October 22-25, 2009. The project also investigates “the new, not-so-new and downright ancient technologies that make such mapping possible.” The four-day gathering, along with a year-long series of events focused on California’s deserts, is partially funded by the University of California Institute for Research in the Arts in association with its new Social Ecologies: California-centric embedded arts research program. the “Dry-immersion Roving Symposium” exploring “widespread concern over environmental, economic and cultural sustainability is fast pushing the desert from the margins to the center of attention in debates on the future of our planet” includes tours of the 29 Palms Marine Base and the lower Colorado desert oasis/dune systems and lectures and discussion on desert issues.

via APInews: Mapping the Desert/Deserting the Map .


Now looking for a suitable person to fill this position ASAP as there are now less than 3 months until Copenhagen.

Please spread the word and recommend to anyone you know who may fit the criteria.

Specific Responsibilities will include:

  • Aid global youth initiatives with logistical support for their presence at COP
  • Support in helping plan a pre-COP Conference of Youth (COY)
  • Serve as a bottom-liner to several already-established projects in need of support (eg, such as the Global South Youth initiative).
  • Daily tasks would be office-based in Copenhagen consisting of logistical support and communication, greatly strengthening the International Youth Climate Movement.
  • Closure report and creation of the Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) of the YOUNGO for COP15

The coordinator should commit to:

  • work for the movement as whole, not one organization or region
  • respect the procedures established and ensure transparency,
  • create a constructive and supportive environment
  • take consideration of geographic and gender representation in all decisions

The coordinator must meet all or most of the following criteria:

  • Past International Youth Climate Movement experience
  • Familiarity and experience with the UNFCCC process
  • An institutional endorsement from a relevant NGO or similar organization
  • Passion and undying organizing enthusiasm
  • Competency in reading, writing and speaking in English and one other UN language
  • Recommended: experience in organizing an event of 200+ people
  • Recommended: independence in living, travelling, and working
  • Recommended: English + One other language

The position will be located in Copenhagen, sharing office space with the GCCA, though working independently and supported by the BottomLiners Team of the International Youth Climate Movement. The coordinator will be assisted in finding adequate accommodation.

Employment Duration
21st September 2009 to 20th January 2010

The coordinator will be paid 15,500 DKK per month for 4 months. This will cover the following during his/her stay in Copenhagen:

  • Personal Accommodation
  • Transportation (to and from Copenhagen to her/his own country of origin)
  • Meals

Visa / Work Permit
If coordinator is not a resident of the EU or Scandinavian countries, he or she will be granted a 3 month tourist’s visa upon entry to Denmark, and the position will be similar to a fellowship.

Interested candidates should email Wilson (wilson.ang@eco-singapore.org), Deepa (deepa@iycn.in) AND Blaine (blaine.d.oneill@gmail.com) the following:

  • Resume/CV
  • A short (1 page max) description of why you are interested in being the coordinator including relevant experiences, motivations, and your plans for COP15

Interested applicants must be available for an online interview via skype on 22nd OR 23rd September 2009 at 3pm (GMT).


Found at: http://climatecoolnetwork.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2546410%3ABlogPost%3A16725

White Light Green Guide: Available Now

Leading entertainment lighting supplier White Light is pleased to announce the release of the White Light Green Guide, available now from the company’s website.

Intended as a starter guide for those wanting to make their work in lighting shows have as little impact on the environment as possible, the Green Guide offers suggestions for each phase of the process of show lighting, from initial meetings and planning through rig design, set-up and focus, show running, touring and final load-out.

via White Light Green Guide: Available Now – [news-readnews].