
Green Sundays at Arcola

Dear friends

Our next Green Sunday takes place on 7th June, all are welcome, drop in anytime between 3pm – 7pm for tea and cake on the roof, activities with the Secret Seed Society, a swap shop, market, debate about ethical consumerism with Neil Boorman, Oxfam and Morgan Philips plus music, film and books!

Best wishes


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Green Sundays start at Arcola Theatre

Arcola Energy will host Green Sundays on the first Sunday of each month, starting with a launch on 1 March. The Green Sundays are free events, and the public is welcome to drop in to Arcola Theatre throughout the day from 1:30 – 7:30 pm.





The Green Sundays programme will feature music, games, films, speakers and readings based loosely on an issue under the climate change umbrella, such as food, travel, energy or politics.

Green Sundays are intended to demonstrate how a creative industry, such as theatre, can provide a space to discuss the environment and how people can work together to tackle climate change.

The March launch theme was food – growing, making, enjoying and sustaining food. The day included meals, short films and a screening of ‘Our Daily Bread’, a reading from The Hungry Cyclist: Pedalling the Americas in Search of the Perfect Meal by the author Tom Kevill-Davies, an open mic session and presentation of the Food Chain Campaign by Friends of the Earth,







Arcola’s partner for Green Sundays is Be The Change. 

a: 27 Arcola St 
London, E8 2DJ 
Nearest station- Dalston Kingsland

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Launch of Arcola’s Green Sundays


Join us at the launch of Arcola’s Green Sundays, more details at 
Download full Winter/Spring 2008 Season Brochure Now:

Click to access Arcola_Winter_2009.pdf

The Water’s Edge     3-28 Feb by Theresa Rebeck A modern Greek tragedy that explodes the American family from within.
With Madeleine Potter, Robert Cavanah, Mark Field, Cressida Trew and Kate Sissons.

Book Tickets Now: or 020 7503 1646

South Bank Show Awards ‘Diversity Award’ Nominee 2008 Best Off-West End ‘Enemy of the People’ Nominee 2008 CBI Growing Business Awards ‘Green Award’ Winner 2008
Peter Brook Empty Space Awards ‘Established Studio’ Nominee 2008
Charity Awards Highly Commended 2008 
Arcola Theatre is a Regularly Funded Organisation of Arts Council England.

Peter Brook Empty Space Awards ‘Established Studio’ Nominee 2008
Charity Awards Highly Commended 2008 
Arcola Theatre is a Regularly Funded Organisation of Arts Council England.

Credit Crunch = More Sustainable Living

Let’s face the music and dance…

The papers are awash with stories of economic disaster, with images of bankers losing their jobs, empty shelves at Woolworths, and gloom and doom stories about what is still to come…

Times are indeed difficult but I believe the challenge we face economically can, and should, benefit the environment, and ultimately benefit everyone. For too long the majority of us have danced around the idea of living more sustainably. Now we are faced with a recession, the possibility of job losses and the fear of debt hanging over us, this may be the ‘tipping point’ required to push us into living more sustainably – the need to spend less, reuse more and find cheaper alternatives to everyday goods and transport modes overtaking the days of excess and waste.

The days of excess may be over but that’s not a bad thing. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the Black Swan, a book which forecast the slump says ”…good wine, restaurants…will all become cheaper now”.


However, it’s not just the reduced cost of luxury goods that we should be focusing on. More may holiday in Britain, rather than paying for flights to destinations abroad. Environmentally this is only a good thing. Cutting the amount of flights we take each year will have a dramatic effect on our individual carbon footprints. Measure your footprint at to see how much it can be reduced by avoiding flying as much as you did in the past.


Even the Chairman of Mastercard is waxing lyrical, “People will spend less time feeding their wallets and more time feeding their souls”. A society obsessed with material possessions, the latest Hermes handbag at £5000 anyone?, is not a happy society. If our focus is solely on the latest fashions and gadgets, the most exclusive holidays, then this promotes anguish if we can’t afford them, competition between family and friends for who has what and how much – ultimately all negative and disparaging. Instead, if we aim towards an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just society, everything and everyone who occupy the planet benefits positively.

We may start to change our attitudes to other issues like the Olympics. Seen by some as an expensive waste of time, it could be viewed as a Keynesian boost to the economy.

If you are a business, reducing energy use makes perfect business sense; it saves money and enhances your organisation’s reputation. Increasing numbers of customers are asking for an organisation’s ‘green credentials’. What would your response be? Would it attract more custom or turn people away?

Theatres and other cultural institutions now have an enormous amount of materials at hand to help reduce their energy consumption and save money. Take a look at if you are a theatre, music venues should check out, the Arts Council have an eco-toolkit for arts organisations, to measure energy use and reduce it,, and all other businesses could saves thousands by following advice given on Many of the steps towards becoming greener are easy and cost nothing.

Thus political, social and environmental attitudes may, and more importantly should, change. If new, more sustainable ways of living become increasingly attractive to the majority rather than the minority, we will produce less waste, emit fewer emissions and treat it other more respectfully…the opportunities for becoming more sustainable are endless. Join Freecycle and swap goods rather than buy new ones, start cycling and help reduce congestion on the roads, buy ingredients rather than frozen and over-packaged prepared meals, join local action groups like the Transition Town movement and meet locals with similar interests, hold a dinner party rather than meeting friends at expensive gastro pubs.

Businesses will need to take heed of these changes and adapt their services accordingly. Whatever we do, we are moving into a new era, it’s up to us to make sure we choose the right direction.

Anna Beech, Sustainability Project Manager, Arcola Theatre,

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About Knowledge Bank

Welcome to the eco-cultural frontier…

Launched January 2008, this blog charts the progress of Arcola Energy and greening of the Arts in general.

A forum for sharing ideas between those directly involved at Arcola, those working on similar initiatives elsewhere and those who want to know more. You are invited to read and contribute, real-time and uncensored…

* What works, what doesn’t work.
* Which policies help, which policies hinder
* The good, the bad and the ugly of the theatre supply chain
* Questions asked, questions answered

If you aren’t already, please do get involved.

To learn more about the context and aims of the project visit:

You can comment on posts without registering (just click on Comment at the botton of a post). If you would like to make your own posts you will need to register and familiarise yourself with the blog software.

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Arcola Receives Bronze Award!

Arcola Theatre received a Bronze award at the Green Tourism Awards ceremony held on 13 November 2008. According to the assessor, ‘Arcola Theatre is an extra ordinary business with a range of exemplary green practices in an old and energy inefficient building. The green team is excellent and
the staff have implemented some excellent practices as noted with the café produce,
the fuel cell technology, the LED spot lighting and the work with the local
community to establish a local transition town’.
Next year we’d like Silver and eventually Gold, so we will be continuing to work towards
making Arcola as sustainable as possible. The Green Assessment we received as part of this scheme provides a perfect basis upon which to inform our Sustainability Policy, so we would encourage others to sign up.


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Welcome Arcola Energy

We are now syndicating the Arcola Energy Blog. Arcola, a brilliant theater on the East Side of London, is also one of the most progressive arts organizations in the world in terms of their sustainable efforts. Their modest home with 2 spaces is also home to a 5kw hydrogen fuel cell. We welcome Anna Beech, Arcola’s Sustainability Projects Manager and Secretariat for The Green Theatre Plan.

Low Energy Lighting – Carbon Trust Information Packs

The Carbon Trust ( has some excellent information on low energy lighting solutions. See:

Spend some time on the website – there is a huge amount of relevant information. Much of the information requested by the arts sector is already there…

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