Creative Green Tools

Upcoming event!

Join our upcoming event with Bullfrog Power!

Empowering Sustainability in the Arts: Bullfrog Power & Decarbonization Strategies

This webinar will explore how Bullfrog Power’s carbon offsets and green energy solutions can help different arts and creative cultural organizations reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. This presentation will focus on a brief history of Bullfrog Power, decarbonization solutions (RECs/RTCs, and carbon offsets), and then dive into a more in-depth breakdown of carbon offsets (what they are, best practices, and how they can help your organizations). Q&A included*

This webinar will be delivered in English, with bilingual (EN/FR) presentation materials, and French translation support as needed.

Date and time: Friday, March 21st, 1pm ETRegister here:


Rejoignez notre événement à venir !

Renforcer la durabilité dans les arts : la puissance et les compensations carbone de Bullfrog

Ce webinaire explorera comment les crédits carbone et les solutions d’énergie verte de Bullfrog Power peuvent aider différents organismes artistiques et culturels à réduire leur empreinte environnementale et à contribuer à un avenir plus durable. La présentation débutera par un bref historique de Bullfrog Power, puis abordera les solutions de décarbonisation (CER/RTC et compensations carbone) et enfin plongera dans une ventilation plus approfondie des compensations carbone (ce qu’elles sont, les meilleures pratiques et comment elles peuvent aider vos organisations). Une période de questions et réponses est également prévue.

Ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais, avec des documents de présentation bilingues (anglais/français) et une traduction en français si nécessaire.

Date et heure : vendredi 21 mars, 13h ET

Inscrivez-vous ici :

New Publishing Tool!

We are excited to share that the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts (CSPA), with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and guidance from New Society Publishers and ECW Press, has launched a new feature in the Creative Green Tools Canada (CG Tools)— the Publishing Tool.

What is the new Publishing Tool?

The “Publishing” footprint tool is a new addition to CG Tools designed to simplify the process of estimating the carbon footprint of book runs.

What can it measure?

The Publishing Tool tracks:

  • Production materials (paper, cover stock)
  • Transportation emissions (from production to distribution)

It also supports the input of custom emissions data received from a lifecycle footprint analysis (LCA), to keep everything in one place.

How does it support your publishing goals?

With the Publishing Tool, users can:

  • Compare the carbon footprint of different scenarios associated with your choices of materials, and different types of transportation for production and distribution.
  • Explore other footprinting options within the CG Tools to test the impact of your book tours and office operations.

How was the tool developed?

The new publishing footprint option in the CG Tools is a simplified version of the life cycle analysis (LCA) found in The Book Carbon Footprint Calculator 1.0, a detailed lifecycle analysis tool created through a collaboration between New Society Publishers and ECW Press.

The CSPA acknowledges the invaluable contributions of Jen Knoch from ECW Press and EJ Hurst from New Society Publishers, who have supported the development of this new tool as part of our advisory committee since January 2024. Their expertise and guidance have helped shape the Publishing Tool into a user-friendly resource that stays true to its core purpose of tracking, while also making it more accessible for publishers.

Ready to get started?

You’ll need basic information like:

  1. Book size and paper details
  2. Transportation distances and methods

Starting February 3rd, you can access the publishing tool in 3 steps:

  1. Create or log in to your CG Tools account.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Select “Publishing” as the area you want to track.

Access the tools here!

Support Creative Green Tools Canada!

Sign our petition! Every signature counts!

We’re gathering support for the Creative Green Tools Canada – Outils Creative Green Canada. If you find value in the Tools and recognize their potential to drive bold climate action within the arts and culture sector, we’d be grateful if you could sign our petition and share it with your friends and network. 

Thank you for your support!

Nous cherchons à mobiliser un soutien continu pour le projet Creative Green Tools Canada – Outils Creative Green Canada. Si vous appréciez les outils et leur potentiel pour encourager une action climatique audacieuse dans le secteur des arts et de la culture, nous vous serions reconnaissants de signer notre pétition et de la partager avec vos amis et votre réseau.

Merci de votre soutien!

Update your organization’s profile!

Help us out! We’ve made some updates to the CG Tools platform to offer you better support based on your region, and we need to know which province or territory you’re in!

Please take a moment to update your province in your organization’s profile.

Just sign in to your account, and you’ll see a banner on the home page guiding you to update your profile. Alternatively, you can go directly to your organization’s profile to make the update.

Sign in here:

As a thank you, you’ll be entered into a raffle to win a collection of short climate plays from Climate Change Theatre Action, donated by the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts.

After updating your profile, please email Adriana Gonzalez at to confirm your entry in the raffle.

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Deadline to participate: September 4th

Aidez-nous! Nous avons apporté des mises à jour à la plateforme des outils CG afin de vous offrir un meilleur soutien en fonction de votre région. Nous avons donc besoin de connaître votre province ou territoire!

Veuillez prendre un moment pour mettre à jour votre province dans le profil de votre organisation.

Connectez-vous simplement à votre compte, et vous verrez une bannière sur la page d’accueil qui vous guidera pour mettre à jour votre profil. Vous pouvez également accéder directement à votre profil pour effectuer la mise à jour.

En guise de remerciement, vous serez inscrit au tirage au sort pour gagner une collection de pièces courtes sur le climat de Climate Change Theatre Action, offertes par le Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts.

Après avoir mis à jour votre profil, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Adriana Gonzalez à pour confirmer votre participation au tirage au sort.

Votre soutien est grandement apprécié!

Year 2 done!

As we mark the two-year milestone since the launch of the Creative Green Tools Canada program, we are happy to share that nearly 900 users have embraced the Tools platform across Canada. These diverse entities, spanning organizations of all sizes, as well as individual artists, have embarked on a crucial journey towards quantifying their emissions and taking climate action.

The CG Tools have been widely adopted by organizations across provinces and territories within Canada.

It is amazing to observe the diverse array of individuals and organizations within the arts and culture sector using the Tools. Among the Footprints documented thus far we have:

Thanks to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, this year we’re diving into research aimed at enhancing user experience and inclusivity, including:

  • Tailored tools for the publishing industry.
  • Expanded functionality for rural and remote users.
  • Enhanced transportation options for traveling artists & cultural workers.
  • Integration of Indigenous knowledge through language.

By adding your data, you contribute to the cultural community’s collective action on climate change.

Have a question? Send us a message at