
Portrait project: This Earth in my Bones

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This Earth in my Bones is a collection of 25 individual portraits by Canadian eco-artist Jeane Fabb.
In 2009 and 2010 she interviewed and photographed different women throughout the Laurentian region of Québec to explore  women´s connection with the natural environment.

From the website:

The overall project (exhibitions, conferences, web site) aims to make visible, and to honour, the diversity and vibrancy of women’s involvement in the cultural narrative of the Laurentians. It is a portrait series of people and territory that offers a perspective outside of the mainstream perception of “land” as an arena of male activity: i.e. hunters, fishermen, loggers, developers, adventurers, miners, forestry engineers, politicians etc. This earth in my bones portrays how various women see, understand, live, use, protect and respond to this region.

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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COAL Prize Art and environment 2013 – Call for proposals

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Theme: Adaption

The Coal Prize Art and Environment rewards each year a project by a contemporary artist involved in environmental issues. Its goals are to promote and support

upport the vital role which art and creation play in raising awareness, supporting concrete solutions and encouraging a culture of ecology. The winner is selected out of ten short-listed by a jury of well-known specialists in art, research, ecology and sustainable development

The 2013 Coal Prize will reward entries that focus on adaptation issues.

The award of the 2013 Coal Prize will take place in spring 2013 at Le Laboratoire, a private art center specializing in the blending of art and science.

Application deadline: February 28th, 2013

For more information, click here.

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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Eat your view – The Landscape of our food

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An interesting research project, organized by the Diepenheim art society, is taking place throughout this year in Diepenheim, NL. Jeroen van Westen, visual artist and participant in this artistic study shortly describes it:

Eat your view has its focus on how our food is related to our landscape. If food builds our body and mind, and food production defines our landscape, it must be that our food is an expression of our landscape. But, when we eat, we don’t recognize our landscape. There is a blind spot for where our food comes from. In Eat your view we try to ‘define’ that blind spot in its different forms.
We hope to be able to produce strategies to minimize the blind spot, make it more transparent, and thus to release energy and create focus to work on a healthier relation people-food-landscape.

Four experts, ranging from anthropologists to Trappists, were released on an exploration day in Diepenheim, respectively in Spring, Summer and Autumn, with the assignment: “What does the landscape have to offer?” and afterwards discussing their findings with inhabitants, interested public and a panel. The short film, by documentary film-maker Sacha Barraud, shows footage of these three days.

The concluding Winter exploration day on January 12th, will consist of a public discussion of the 12 “scouts”, the panel, inhabitants, general public and invited experts.

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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Call for abstracts: Mediating Modernity in the 21st Century – Rethinking and Remembering?

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This festival, taking place from the 24th-25th January 2013 in Bangalore, India,  organized by the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India and the School of Arts and Communication, Malmo University, Sweden is inviting abstract entries till the 20th November 2012.

This festival brings together artists, academics, activists and other media and cultural practitioners to consider how modernity is mediated in the 21st century via a transdisciplinary framework. By bringing together a range of practitioners, the festival hopes to cross-­pollinate diverse perspectives through conversations on approaches, interests, understanding disciplinary trends and various methodologies.

Four types of presentation- papers, artist talks and audio visual presentations of artistic work, short films and performances – are invited under one of the following panels:

  • Gendering Modernities
  • Memories of Modernities
  • Modernities, Cities and the Public Sphere

For more information on the festival and further details on the call, click here.

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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Multispecies Intra-Actions: A Round Table with Karen Barad

This post comes to you from Cultura21

On the 17th November from 10:45AM to 12:30 PM (PST) at theSOMArts centre in San Francisco the public is invited to participate in a roundtable discussion with Karen Barad, currently Professor of Feminist Studies, Philosophy, and History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a diverse panel of researchers ranging from ethnographers to artist.

Barad’s seminal 1996 essay, where she coined the term “intra-action,” will serve as a theoretical charter for the roundtable.

“Boundaries do not sit still, it is through specific intra-actions that a differential sense of being is enacted in the ongoing ebb and flow of agency…Agential intra-actions are specific causal material enactments that may or may not involve ‘humans.’ Indeed, it is through such practices that the differential boundaries between “humans” and ‘nonhumans,’ ‘culture’ and ‘nature,’ the ‘social’ and the ‘scientific’ are constituted”

Members of the roundtable will each give short “provocations” (3-5 minutes), bringing Barad into conversation with empirical matters and concepts from their own assorted texts on the table. Audience members are also invited to participate in the discussion and become provocateurs.

Following the roundtable, Karin Bolender of the Rural Alchemy Workshop will be performing “Gut Sounds Lullaby” at 2:00PM in the same space.

For more information:

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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The Sun behind the Clouds

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A meditation about the sky by Ettore Favini and He-He

Parco Arte Vivente´s (PAV) 2012 art program, dedicated to the Ethos of the living,  is being concluded with the dual-person show The Sun behind the Cloudsby Ettore Favini and the Anglo-German duo He-He(Helen Evans, UK and Heiko Hansen, D).

The exhibition, curated by Claudio Cravero, proposes a new vision of the sun (Favini) and the clouds (He-He), two natural phenomena explored as issues of a both aesthetic and ethical meditation, but also acting on the stage of a even more careless relationship between man and world.

From the 31th October 2012 till the 13th January 2013 the different artworks and installations can be seen at the living art park in Turin, Italy.

For more information on PAV and the exhibition:

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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The Yes Men Are Revolting

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The Yes Men, Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano, known for their satirical interventions at business events, on the internet, television, and in the streets, and famous for their award-winning documentaries “The Yes Men”(2004) and “The Yes Men Fix the World”(2009)are in the process of directing a new movie  “The Yes Men Are Revolting” to complete the trilogy.

In an effort to mobilize viewers, they are also developing an “Action Switchboard”, a human-staffed platform that will inform the public about movement-building projects and issues.

They are currently raising funds for both projects on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter:

When our first movie came out, studios and television networks were paying pretty well—but then the the market for indie films went into freefall.

Today, we’re really in a pinch. Corporate sponsorship, of course, is right out. (Duh.) So we’re turning to you. The money we raise will go towards paying for a few more shoots and a couple more actions around the globe. We also need money to pay for editors, equipment, archival footage, legal counsel, and all the technical work it takes to get a movie finished and into the world. Finally, we’ll need funds for “outreach,” mainly the creation and staffing of the Action Switchboard, a way to plug inspired viewers into ongoing projects and help generate new ones. It’ll come out at the same time as the film.

The rewards for pledging range from the new activist handbook “Beautiful Trouble” to the uniqueHalliburton Survivaball.

For more Information on the project and the Kickstarter campaign, click here.

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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Exhibition at Kunstverein Springhornhof

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28 October–16 December, 2012 – Opening: Saturday, 27 October, 5pm; artist talk with Angela Bulloch 6pm

Kunstverein & Stiftung Springhornhof – Tiefe Straße 4, D-29643 Neuenkirchen (Germany)

With: Angela Bulloch, Josephine Meckseper, Shana Moulton, Simon Starling and winners of the Daniel Frese Prize 2012 Fabian Reimann and Niko Wolf

The exhibition The Simple Life opening on Saturday, will present artworks addressing the desire of lifestyles becoming more concerned with sustainability and naturalism as well as resulting dilemmas, from different perspectives.

The role which art plays in this discourse is taken up in different ways by the artists:

Angela Bulloch developed her new wall painting “Let`s Go Paleo!” specifically for this exhibition venue, depicting the supposedly healthy paleolithic diet as an extreme example of longing for naturalness.

Simon Starling, interested in visualizing permanent “re-cyclability” of materials, forms and ideas across space and time, is showing his installation “Carbon(Pedersen)”, which transforms two bikes into “survival kits”. The bike, a classic example of a healthy lifestyle and a natural means of mobility, is becoming more and more fashionable as a lifestyle vehicle.

The realized drafts of the winners of Lüneburg’s Daniel Frese Prize 2012, this year dedicated to the theme “Art and Sustainability/Non-Sustainability”, are also presented at the exhibition. Niko Wolfwith his installation “Museum of Mounds or: The Economy of Oblivion” and Fabian Reimann‘s spatial essay “The Memory of the Stars”.

For more information, click here.

Upcoming Dates:


  • Studio visit Niko Wolf in Jesteburg (Harburg)

Sat 17/11/2012, 3 – 5 pm, please register: info [at] kim-art [dot] net


  • Presentations, lectures, talks »Sustainable: Art«

with Jeff Derksen (Simon Fraser University Vancouver), Dan Peterman (University of Illinois Chicago), Marjetica Potrc (University of Fine Arts Hamburg), Diego Castro, Fabian Reimann, Katja Staats, Niko Wolf (winners of Daniel Frese Prize Art 2011 and 2012), a.o.

Wed 05/12/2012, 6 pm

Venue: Representation of Lower Saxony at the Federal Government in Berlin, In den Ministergärten 10, D-10117 Berlin


  • Workshop »Aporias of Art, Ecology, and Sustainable Development«

with Dan Peterman (University of Illinois Chicago)

Fri 07/12/2012, 2 pm

Venue: Kunstraum of Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Campus Hall 25, Scharnhorststrasse 1, D–21335 Lüneburg


  • Workshop »Filling the Weak Points«

with Sabine Bitter (Vancouver ), Jeff Derksen (Vancouver), Stefan Römer (Berlin), Helmut Weber (Vienna)

Sat 08/12/2012, 10 am and Sun 09/12/2012, 10 am

Venue: Kunstraum of Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Campus Hall 25, Scharnhorststrasse 1, D–21335 Lüneburg

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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Call for Papers: Geography and Art

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The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art and Geography: Aesthetics and Practices of Spatial Knowledges taking place at the University of Lyon, Francefrom February 11-13, 2013 is welcoming proposals till the 30th of October.

The conference is at the crossroads of contemporary geography and art. With the latest developments in how space, place and environment are viewed in contemporary art, it is necessary to take a critical look at how relevant geography’s various responses to this “spatial turn” have been and to unravel the implications – in factual, methodological, theoretical and epistemological terms – of the convergence between contemporary art and geography.

Geographers and artists from diverse backgrounds and with varying experiences in the field, as well as liberal arts researchers with similar interests in the spatial/geographical dimensions of art are encouraged to contribute.

For more information on the submission schedule:

For more information on the conference:

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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Sustainability and Empowerment

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The organizing committee of the International Graduate Conference in Hamburg, Germany invites you to the conference taking place from 22nd till 25th of November.

The theme of the conference is A survey on Latin-American perspectives after Rio+20, focusing on the Latin America continent, in the context of sustainable development and the role civil society can have in it. Examples like the Water War in Bolivia or the Ecuadorian Yasuní-Initiative, have shown, that Latin America can be an innovative region in forming civil responses to sustainability issues.

Keynote speakers will be Gian Carlo Delgado PhD. (UNAM) – author of several books dealing with the relationship among political ecology, imperialism and climate change – and Juanita Castaño PhD. (UNEP) – former member of the UN Secretary-General’s advisory board on water and sanitation and former Chief of the UNEP, who was present at the Rio +20 conference.

For more information on the conference:

Cultura21 is a transversal, translocal network, constituted of an international level grounded in several Cultura21 organizations around the world.

Cultura21′s international network, launched in April 2007, offers the online and offline platform for exchanges and mutual learning among its members.

The activities of Cultura21 at the international level are coordinated by a team representing the different Cultura21 organizations worldwide, and currently constituted of:

– Sacha Kagan (based in Lüneburg, Germany) and Rana Öztürk (based in Berlin, Germany)
– Oleg Koefoed and Kajsa Paludan (both based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Hans Dieleman (based in Mexico-City, Mexico)
– Francesca Cozzolino and David Knaute (both based in Paris, France)

Cultura21 is not only an informal network. Its strength and vitality relies upon the activities of several organizations around the world which are sharing the vision and mission of Cultura21

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