Culture Futures

CO2 Green Drive on Earth Day 20-22 April 2013

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In collaboration with the Danish Cultural Institute and partners around the world CO2 Green Drive is being prepared for Earth Day 20-22 April 2013.

CO2 Green Drive is an Art, Climate & Technology Project designed to promote climate awareness using art and culture as universal vehicles. Since the inauguration of the project in 2009 CO2 Green Drive has been performed 25 times in 21 cities on five continents.

On Earth Day 20-22 April 2012 CO2 Green Drive was performed with electric and hybrid vehicles in New York, bicycles and skaters in Dakar, electric vehicles and bicycles in Santiago and Denmark, and runners in Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Thane, Hyderabad, Bhopal and Yokohama.

CO2 Green Drive involves creating GPS based “paintings” using climate friendly transportation solutions as “brushes”, smarthone technology as “paint” and cities around the world as “canvases”.  Anyone using climate friendly means of transportation is welcome in CO2 Green Drive, eg. runners, bicyclists, pedestrians, soap box cars, stiltwalkers, electric, hybrid, bioethanol and hydrogen vehicles etc.

Get more information on how to participate in CO2 Green Drive on Earth Day 2013 on the CO2 Green Drive on Earth Day facebookpage.

The purpose and rationale of CO2 Green Drive is to:

-Promote healthy, sustainable and playful social dynamics through the combination of participation, art, climate and technology.

– Expose climate related products, activities and services while engaging a committed, global audience.

– Provide an experimental platform for all stakeholders to interact with fellow citizens, public institutions, civil organizations, businesses, academics and artists.

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Co-founder of Culture|Futures opens a student competition

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Last week co-founder of Culture Futures Peter Head gave his speech in connection with the launch of the student competition ‘Co-creating Sustainable Solutions for the Future’, 14 September. The launch was arranged by Cultures Futures Club, CBS Goes Green and the Danish Cultural Institute as a part of ‘India Today – Copenhagen Tomorrow’. Read
more about the competition at

Listen to Peter Head sharing some of his experiences concerning co-creating sustainable solutions with students at Copenhagen Business School – examples for inspiration in relation to the competition

Peter Head’s inspirational talk to the students (6 minutes)


Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Culture|Futures Clubs gets Council of Europe Cultural Event Label 2012

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Culture|Futures Clubs gets Council of Europe Cultural Event Label 2012. The Council of Europe Cultural Event label recognises exceptional and innovative cultural and artistic projects which address key challenges of today’s European societies and convey strong messages related to the Council of Europe’s mission and values.

“Culture|Futures Club – Organisation of open, cultural and social events for young people and creative professionnels to have discussions and activities on the theme of sustainability and climate change. Representatives of different cultural expressions (theatre, visual art, architecture, film, urban future planning, cuisine, etc) will meet and discuss the issues of sustainability in daily life with a  diverse audience. These events will be organised in Copenhagen in 2012/2013 and intend to expand to other countries in Europe.”

Visit the The Council of Europe Cultural Event Label (CECEL) web page here

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Deadline for Student Competition 15 December

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Indian and Danish students of business, technology, design/urban development, and arts/culture are invited to generate and present innovative ideas which foster Indian–Danish co-creation in their respective fields.

The submitted ideas must contribute to sustainable and inclusive development in India and Denmark. Awards for students: a trip to India/Denmark with a brief internships at Indian/ Danish companies and institutions.

Innovative ideas for green and inclusive development  are in the forefront for developing successful solutions in business, technology and  design, and for artistic and cultural attention. Furthermore global solutions where partners, producers and users from different parts of the world co-create based on their comparative strengths are needed.

The competition is open for submissions until 15 December 2012 and is followed by a programme in India in late January 2013, where awarded students can present their ideas.

Students can get inspiration for ideas at the website and submit ideas The competition is arranged by the Danish Cultural Institute as a part of the ‘India Today Copenhagen Tomorrow’ initiative, which takes place between August 2012 and January 2013.

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Culture|Futures Club: Vertical Cities

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Insights into the Sustainability Culture in slum areas in India

Organised in Copenhagen, Denmark, by Culture|Futures and CPH DOX on 5 November 2012 at the Cinematheque

We show the Indian film ‘Vertical Cities’ by Avjit Mukul Kishore – a movie about slums and ‘megacities’ – and have invited the director of the film as well as the Indian journalist Shastri Ramachandran (Executive Director at the National Centre for Advocacy Studies and former editor and writer at Global Times) to give a keynote speech at the event.

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Symposion on culture & sustainable development

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The French and Québec ministries of culture organize a symposion on culture and sustainable development 22 and 23 November 2012 in Paris. Read more about the symposion at  

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Backstage Sustainability Workshop, Roskilde Festival 2012

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Roskilde Festival and Backstage invites you to Backstage Sustainability Workshop on July 3rd from 10:00-14:00. Get a guided tour of the festival ground and experience quirky experiments, green installations and sustainable solutions.

For registration, see:

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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EcoAçãoCultural Seminar, 25-26th of November 2011

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As a result of the Culture|Futures Conference in Sao Paulo May 30th 2011, the following key Sao Paulo institutions; British Council, Centro Cultural da Espanha, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Crie Futuros, Instituto Cultural da Dinamarca, Instituto Cultural Italiano, Instituto Goethe, Virada Sustentável, Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI), Universidade Aberta do Meio Ambiente e da Cultura da Paz (UMAPAZ) have united a group called EcoAçãoCultural, which will join forces the 25-26 of November to  discuss sustainability. The seminar will deal with the questions of how the institutions can implement sustainability in their own daily work and how they approach culture, artistic and social work in a sustainable way.

The themes to discuss at the seminar will be:

  • The way we live
  • The right ways of organizing a sustainable platform
  • Cultural/Creative economy
  • Creative networking and art production

At the seminar there will be speakers from Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Germany and United Kingdom.

Venue of seminar 25-26th November at Centro Cultural Sao Paulo, Sala de Oficinas Tarsila do Amaral – Piso Caio Graco.

For further information and indication of interest go to or contact:

Maibrit Thomsen,
Tlf: + 55 21 2532 0599

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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Culture|Futures conference in Milan, Italy: Oct 19, 2011

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The amazing Palazzo Marino in Milan will October 19th 2011 be the setting for another international Culture|Futures conference, which in Milan is organised by Ragnarock Association in cooperation with the City of Milano and other partners.

The conference will discuss the role that Scandinavian and Italian actors in the creative industry have in reaching an ecological age that is the Culture|Futures vision for 2050.

The conference will also be focusing on the way design, food, fashion and innovation can guide people towards more sustainable standards of living in the next few years.

To speak at the conference, Culture|Futures and Ragnarock have invited several guests from the sector to talk about how they connect creativity and sustainability, the guest-list includes among many others Kigge Hvid (CEO of INDEX), Francesco Paulo Zurlo (Vice director of INDACO) and Guizy Bettoni (Director of CLASS).

For further details on the Culture|Futures Conference in Milan and the full program and guest-list of the day download the Culture Futures programme

For registration  please write

Please also see, RSVP the Italia Facebook Event page

If any other question, please contact:

Elisabetta Ferrario

mobile: (+39) 3473578941.

Culture|Futures is an international collaboration of organizations and individuals who are concerned with shaping and delivering a proactive cultural agenda to support the necessary transition towards an Ecological Age by 2050.

The Cultural sector that we refer to is an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-genre collaboration, which encompasses policy-making, intercultural dialogue/cultural relations, creative cities/cultural planning, creative industries and research and development. It is those decision-makers and practitioners who can reach people in a direct way, through diverse messages and mediums.

Affecting the thinking and behaviour of people and communities is about the dissemination of stories which will profoundly impact cultural values, beliefs and thereby actions. The stories can open people’s eyes to a way of thinking that has not been considered before, challenge a preconceived notion of the past, or a vision of the future that had not been envisioned as possible. As a sector which is viewed as imbued with creativity and cultural values, rather than purely financial motivations, the cultural sector’s stories maintain the trust of people and society.
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