
Arrest that Poet!

arrest-that-poet-lst144186This show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

Danny Chiver’s spoken word show “Arrest that Poet!” has ended its run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – but not without making our shortlist.

Synopsis: Have you ever climbed up a power station, D-locked yourself to a construction company’s staircase or been sued for £5 million? Until recently, slam poet Danny Chivers certainly hadn’t. So how did a quiet boy from Bristol end up dodging security guards, battling criminal charges and trying not to thump Richard Madeley, all in the name of a safer planet? Storytelling meets poetry in this darkly funny true tale of rhyming and rebellion.

For more information about activist and artists Danny Chivers, and to find future dates for Danny’s shows visit

be-dom at #edfringe

This show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

be-dom_2014BEDOM_UKCheeky, clever, fun, charismatic, interactive… Be-Dom provides an infectious experience of epic proportions. Using nothing more than everything you can think of, the group will drag you into their crazy vaudevillian world. Back to Fringe after four years touring around the globe, Be-Dom now dares you to witness the premiere of their new show.


For more information on the show visit their website or to purchase tickets click HERE.



The Bee-Man of Orn at #edfringe

This show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

This award-winning yoAwardung company returns with an adaptation of Frank Stockton’s magical tale about a man in search of himself. Told in NYT’s trademark style of rambunctious storytelling and suitable for anyone over five, the Bee-Man’s journey takes him to the deepest ocean, the court of a cruel king and the cave of the Very Imp. Over 30 years this group has won over critics and audiences alike, garnering four and five star reviews in the national and festival press.

For more information on the show or to purchase tickets click HERE.


Mates at #edfringe

photo-mainThis show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

With the human race threatened by a polluted environment, an environment that after prolonged exposure causes infertility, the government has created an incubator in which men and women are sent until they reproduce. While a database judges compatibility to match a man and woman with one another, a process similar to that of modern dating websites, even those unable to conceive have a place within this artificial reality, tracking the progress of assigned couples. Mates follows Sian as she oversees two couples, acting as their dysfunctional guardian angel and trying to counteract the government’s intentions for them.

For more information or to purchase tickets click HERE. 


SOS – Save Our Spaces at #edfringe

This show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

sos-save-our-spaces_2014SOSSAVF_JGSOS is a new musical comedy about a local community trying to save their town. Based on true events, it tells the mad story of one local area housing committee. Six eccentric characters gather to save their village green from the town planners. Is their community lost? Will politics or the common people win the day? An exciting 45 minute piece of new writing featuring live music, gags, mayhem and all kinds of fun and antics.

For more information or to purchase tickets click HERE. 

The Handlebards at #edfringe

This show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

handlebards-macbeth_2014HANDLEC_AHF“Four actors, four bicycles, 40 characters and a 2,000 mile adventure. The HandleBards – a madcap, all-male troupe of travelling players – are cycling to the Fringe from London on a UK tour. On just four bicycles they will carry all the necessary set, props, costumes and camping equipm
ent to perform two of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, Macbeth and The Comedy of Errors, at the beautiful Botanic Gardens. It’s Shakespeare done differently, an all-male, bike-powered, open-air, wild 1930s indie-folk romp.”

For more information on The Handlebards visit Peculius or to purchase tickets click HERE (Macbeth) or HERE (Comedy of Errors).

Princess Taz and the Fearsome Forest at #edfringe



This show is part of the Fringe Sustainable Practice Award Shortlist – celebrating the greenest and most sustainable shows at the Fringe.

Join ramshackle clowns, Elf and Harry on their fantastical retelling of the life and adventures of the legendary punk Princess Taz and her pet rapdragon Eehore. Follow their quest to save the Fearsome Forest from being knocked down to make way for a new high speed croquet pitch in the Perfectly Perfect Kingdom! Warning: the show includes riddles, ridiculous accents, silly songs, puppetry, live forests, rap music, cartoons and village people.


Conceptualized by Elf Lyons, written and devised by Elf Lyons and Callum Brodie as well as performed by Elf Lyons and Harry Benfield this Oddflock production takes places at Cafe Camino (Venue 65). 

Suitable for children ages 5 and up. 

For more information or to purchase tickets click HERE.


Longlist announced for the Edinburgh Fringe Sustainable Practice Award 2014 #edfringe

This post comes to you from The List

A Walk at the Edge of the World/Photo by Nicholas Bone

The shortlist for the Edinburgh Fringe Sustainable Practice Award, which celebrates the greenest and most sustainable shows of the Fringe that encourage audiences to take responsibility for their own environmental impact, has been announced, with 22 nominees spanning the entire spectrum of the Fringe, from comedy, spoken word and theatre to exhibitions, opera and children’s shows.

First launched in 2010, the award is run by the Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts and Creative Carbon Scotland, with the winner to be announced on 22 August in a ceremony at Fringe Central.


The shows which have been shortlisted for the award are:

● A Walk at the Edge of the World
● Arrest That Poet!
● be-dom
● Dannie Grufferty’s First World Problems
● End of Species
● India Street
● John Muir: Rhapsody in Green
● Mates
● Misa-Lisin
● My Luxurious 50 Square Feet Life
● Out of Water
● Princess Taz and the Fearsome Forest
● Robert Lewellyn: Electric Cars Are Rubbish. Aren’t They?
● Song of the Earth
● SOS – Save Our Spaces
● The Bee-Man of Orn
● The Big Bite-Size Plays Factory Goes Down the Toilet
● The Evolution Will Be Televised
● The Handlebards
● The World Mouse Plague
● The Worm – An Underground Adventure

You can find out more on our dedicated Edinburgh Fringe Sustainable Practice Award listings page.

The List is an independent limited company which started in October 1985. Robin Hodge is the Founding Publisher. The List’s aim is to publicise and promote the wide range of arts, events and entertainment taking place throughout the year across the UK.
Originally focused on Glasgow and Edinburgh with the fortnightly publication of The List, a consumer arts and entertainment magazine of quality, the company is now predominantly focused on its digital activities with coverage of the whole of the UK based around series of award winning websites.
Visit The List

Recycled Artist in Residence Philly

579186_553653327982485_149648382_nCreating Awareness About Sustainability Through Art & Design


RAIR’s (Recycled Artist in Residency) mission is to create awareness about sustainability issues through art and design. We are located in Northeast Philadelphia within Revolution Recovery, a 3.5 acres construction, demolition and manufacturing waste recycling facility in Philadelphia that processes over 250 tons of materials per day. Our unique position as a bridge between art, sustainability and industry allows the reach and potential impact of RAIR to be great. As such, we have strategically chosen to focus our efforts on four program areas: residency program, education and awareness, material sourcing, and exhibitions.


To create awareness about sustainability issues through art.


RAIR formed when three individuals from different backgrounds realized they were passionate about the same thing: the value of waste. Avi Golen, co-owner of Revolution Recovery and an expert in the recycling industry, had been fielding request from artists since the founding of his company in 2004. Billy Blaise Dufala, a Philadelphia-based artist and co-teacher of a found materials course at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, had been looking for access to a material stream for his work. Fern Gookin, project manager at Revolution Recovery and Board of Directors member of the Delaware Valley Green Building Council, had decided to focus her graduate thesis work on the role art can play in creating awareness about sustainability issues. With three different perspectives and a shared goal, RAIR has been able to establish itself as a specialized and unique program that reaches across disciplines.

Company Overview

RAIR (Recycled Artist-In-Residency) is a new non-profit located within a construction and industrial materials recycling facility in northeast Philadelphia. We promote awareness about environmental issues by encouraging creative ways to divert waste from landfills.

We work to bring art and sustainability together through:

  • an artist-in-residency program
  • art exhibitions
  • community outreach events
  • material sourcing for artists

If you would like more information or to get involved send us an email or find us on facebook.

Edinburgh Festival Fringe Re-use and Recycle Days #edfringe

August 25 @ 11:00 am - August 26 @ 4:00 pm

Back by popular demand, Creative Carbon Scotland and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe will host two Re-use and Recycle Days at Fringe Central to conclude the 2014 Festivals season. Venues and companies that participated in the Fringe can bring used set items, props, costumes, unused publicity materials and other production materials used during the Festival Fringe to be swapped for other items or recycled.

Our past Re-use and Recycle days have been widely successful, in the quantity and quality of materials gathered as well as the monitoring the physical implications of festival events. As part of a Creative Carbon Scotland Case Studyin 2011, 12 tonnes of unused print were collected. Through this monitoring, major Fringe venues were able to reduce print runs for the following year. We anticipate this year’s Re-use and Recycle Days to be equally successful and informative.

The Fringe Re-use and Recycle Days will take place 25-26 August from 11am-4pm

For more information and to RSVP please contact Catriona Patterson at

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