
conscient podcast: Sounding Modernity

Note : Une version en français de cet article est disponible sur : xx

Territorial Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that I live, learn and unlearn in the unceded and unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation, whose presence in the Ottawa region reaches back to time immemorial. This acknowledgement is also a commitment to act upon the many recommendations in public reports such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

sounding is a reflexive engagement with a location through a process of active listening that prioritizes being-in-the-world.

David Beattie, in his Forward to ‘Listening to Places’ by composer Robin Parmar

Photography exercise made during the Facing Human Wrongs course. July, 2022, Duhamel, Quebec (photo by Claude Schryer)

On February 8, 2022, when I published episode 99, Winter Diary Revisited, of the conscient podcast, I mentioned that I was taking a break to study decolonization and, among other things, to ‘learn to unlearn’.

I did this. 

On March 15, 2022 I wrote a posting for the Artists and Climate Change website called Rise Up, Dissent, and Disassemble, where I suggested that ‘the arts sector has the capacity to shift people’s hearts and minds and will be central to a transformation agenda’ about the ecological crisis.

I stand by this. 

On June 6, 2022, I posted this statement on social media 

‘I’m not sure if or when I’ll produce more conscient podcasts. I don’t see the point of sharing more info or awareness. What interests me now, inspired by Dr. Vanessa Andreotti, is how to transition out of modernity through metabolic connections. Not sure what that sounds like, yet…’

I do now (or at least I’ve figured out a way to explore it).

What is Sounding Modernity?

On September 16, 2022, I had the privilege of receiving a Canada Council Strategic Innovation Fund Seed grant to produce season 4 of my conscient podcast called ‘Sounding Modernity : weekly 5-minute sound art works in 2023’, published on Sundays, from January 1 to December 31, 2023, in English and in French.

Each episode explores a complex issue and includes a question for listeners to respond to in any way they wish, with words, images, sound, video, etc. through the conscient website or on conscient social media. The idea to create an informal forum for learning and unlearning. I commit to do my best to respond to every submission and, with permissions, to publish some of them in the conscient newsletter.

My goal with ‘Sounding Modernity’ is to explore what modernity sounds like, how it affects us and how to ‘create the conditions for other possible worlds to emerge in the wake of what is dying’ as suggested in ‘Preparing for the end of the world as we know it’ by the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures collective, a group of scholars and researchers led by Dr. Vanessa Andreotti, author of Hospicing Modernity. The work of the GTDF collective has strongly influenced my approach to this project and I am deeply grateful for their wisdom and support.

Metal rods from  ‘tension, episode 101 of Sounding Modernity, September 2022
What do I mean by modernity? 

Which modernity? I don’t mean modernist art or modernism as a style (though I guess it can be a part of it). I mean the modern era based on extractive capitalism, overconsumption, endless growth, systemic racism, white supremacy, separation from nature, and so on. 

I want to investigate various interpretations of ‘modernity’: our so-called modern lifestyles, structures, sites, beings, creatures, habits, etc.  and I want to do this by listening to the sound of modernity.

In other words, I want to address some of the causes of this massive and violent overreach of planetary boundaries while exploring how we can preserve some of modernity’s benefits, without the destruction. 

My objective with Sounding Modernity is not to find short term solutions, nor is it to help you feel better about the state of the world. Rather, with a lot of humility and respect, I offer you 5 minutes every week to stop and listen to a sound artwork that addresses an issue, a situation, a dilemma, a problem, an impossibility, but also to celebrate, to preserve and to nurture possibilities. 

I invite you to ‘stay with the trouble’  which is a well-known quote from Dr. Donna J. Haraway and to embrace the advice of Dr. Vanessa Andreotti to ‘hold space for the good, the bad, the ugly and the messed up, within and around’.

From mitigation to regeneration

When I started the conscient podcast in 2020, I was mostly in a ‘mitigation’ and ‘information deficit’ mindset. I believed that by raising awareness and sharing knowledge that artists could provide insights and help find solutions to the ecological crisis. This remains a valid intention, however I’ve now shifted to a ‘regeneration’ mindset, whereas I accept the inevitability of systems collapse based on past behaviour (many are already happening) and focus my efforts on longer term adaptation and regeneration strategies. 

Excerpt from a video report made during the Facing Human Wrongs course, Unlearning Bundle Unit 3 – Denial of Unsustainability, July 5, 2022, Duhamel, Quebec (photo by Claude Schryer)
What does modernity sound like?

We are part of a much wider metabolism, and this metabolism is sick. There is a lot of shit for us to deal with: personal, collective, historical, systemic. Our fragilities are a big part of it. This shit needs to pass, so that it can be composted into new forms of life, no longer based on the illusion of separability.

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures collective

Without being aware of it, I have always felt the ‘metabolic sickness’ that the GTDF collective refers to here and have always been intuitively attracted to electroacoustic music, with its transformational potential to serve as an acoustic mirror at the intersection of reality, fantasy, and spirit.

During my career as a composer and sound artist, I developed a ‘soundscape composition’ style that combines layering context (field recordings) with abstraction (electronic and instrumental music) – often with an observational or poetic narrative.

The artistic language of ‘Sounding Modernity’ expands on this vocabulary with a mix of slowly paced narration and long silences that are interwoven with new or archival field recordings and/or soundscape compositions. Each episode involves a combination of the following elements: 

  1. presentation of the topic (what it is and why it interests me) 
  2. new and/or archival field recording(s) that illustrate or evoke the topic 
  3. thoughts and insights on the nature of that sound 
  4. transformation or alteration of that sound through soundscape composition techniques that suggests alternative or new perspectives 
  5. thoughts and insights on the transformed sound(s) and how they might raise new questions 
  6. An invitation for listeners to engage with a question on an issue or concept that can be uploaded to the conscient podcast website for public sharing and dialogue. 

Here is a preliminary list of topics I am considering (note: these will evolve, including rewrites, through to the end of the project on December 31, 2023): 

  • acceptance, aesthetics, appropriation, climate resilience, collapse, complicity, composting, context, criteria, death, decolonizing the unconscious, despair, disinvestment , distance, eco-distress, entanglement, exploitation, failure, fiction, gaslit, hope, hospicing, humour, inconsolable, kin, kindness, leadership, listening, metabolism, music, mycelial, northstar, ordinary, production, psycho-analytic distance, reciprocity, reducing harm, reparation, resonance, rumble, separability, seven fires prophecy, tightrope, time, transformation, uncertainty, unlistening, validation, violence, worlding.
Excerpt from a video from exercises in Hospicing Modernity, April, 2022, Duhamel, Quebec (photo by Claude Schryer)
Thought, felt, and danced with and through

My intention is not to define these terms, nor to explain them as such, but rather to engage in ‘worlding their meaning’, as suggested by Dr. Vanessa Andreotti’s notion of ‘worlding stories not focused on the aesthetic perfection of form, but on the integration of form and movement. They are not supposed to be ‘thought about’ but thought, felt, and danced with and through’. 

Note: The term ‘worlding’ is used by Dr. Vanessa Andreotti in reference to the work of Māori writer Carl Mika, see ‘Indigenous Education and the Metaphysics of Presence: A Worlded Philosophy’ (Milton Park, UK: Taylor and Francis, 2017)

In other words, my hope is to create sound art works that are ‘living entities’ (with thanks to my curriculum advisor Azul Carolina Duque for this observation).

I like the way a colleague from the Facing Human Wrongs course this summer put it in an October 24, 2022 email:

May the living sounds and entities in the episodes co-inform sounding modernity and where it’s heading/losing its way. 

I will explore how to engage in ‘co-information’ during this project and to be OK when it loses its way. 

The Facing Human Wrongs course involved facing these complex systemic issues with honesty, humility, humour and hyper self-reflexivity and learning to live with their discomforts and pain and doing so without falling into ‘traps’ such as self-validation, self-infantilization and exceptionalism, while exploring how to ‘create the conditions for other worlds to emerge’.

Hum, that’s a rather long and charged sentence, isn’t it? 

What I mean to say is that it is important to have a good frame of mind going into this work and to avoid repeating cycles of personal glorification and self-indulgence.

This is difficult for artists, who, like me, love the spotlight and often engage in self-referential work, but I think it’s possible to focus on the impact of our work, and less on our personal needs, for those who are coming from situations of privilege and low-intensity struggle. 

Cartography from Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures collective (used with permission)
Sobriety, maturity, discernment and accountability

I have found the 4 compass values illustrated above, along with the tightrope teachings, to be useful guide marks in making decisions and avoiding the worst pitfalls. 

This compass (and related cartographies) also helps me work through ethical and relational issues when I do field recordings, such as obtaining implicit and explicit permission to record sounds and how to use them respectfully in published works. 

The work of UBC professor and indigenous scholar Dylan Robinson, notably his Hungry Listening book, also guides my decisions in terms of how and when to record.

But who will listen?

The urgency of the climate and ecological crisis demands that the arts and culture sector activate its unique capacity for creative expression in service of a livable future for all. In this critical decade of action, this requires a clear focus on climate justice and a genuine transformation in values: from consumerism and extraction to stewardship and regeneration.

Sectoral Climate Arts Leadership for the Emergency (SCALE-LeSAUT)

Reaching 1 person at a time is enough.

My experience in producing 100 episodes of the conscient podcast is that audiences are saturated and overwhelmed with facts and data about the ecological crisis but are more comfortable engaging, relationally and affectively, with these complex issues through stories, metaphors, illustrations, and connections to what they value the most in everyday life. 

Sounding Modernity is intended to be accessible to all audiences but is more likely to be relevant to those who have already begun a learning and unlearning journey about the ecological crisis, including questioning the complicity of western art itself. This is hard work, akin to biting the hand that feeds you.

For example, I am extremely grateful to have received the aforementioned Canada Council Strategic Innovation Fund Seed grant for this project to hire expert collaborators to help me deepen this work and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their support and yet I am critical of institutions like the Council that perpetuate colonial systems. 

But at the same time, I appreciate that the Council and other funders offer opportunities to empower artists to develop a more resilient, equitable, inclusive and sustainable arts sector, and in so doing, a more liveable planet. This is the complex and hard work of decolonization and transformation that the arts sector is currently undertaking. For example, Shannon Litzenberger wrote an essay called State of Emergence: Why We Need Artists Right Now. I also spoke with her in episode 90 of the conscient podcast;

I would first and foremost love to see artists really lean into experimentation with their creative practices and to share that what comes out of those practices: the learning and experimentation with each other. I think that’s something that even as a community of art makers we can get better at. But what that then also does is start to socialize learning about what art as a system of knowledge production is, and this is how we start to disentangle ourselves from the ways that we’re trying to solve this challenge, or the ways that we’re trying to think about what is happening right now as a problem to fix, is maybe part of the dilemma and that art as a way of knowing.

My hope is that we find a way, together, to navigate our way out of modernity’s trappings and to create, step by step, the conditions for other worlds to emerge. I know many of my colleagues in the arts are working hard on this. I am grateful for their vision and courage.

I like the way fellow podcaster and cultural icon Kamea Chayne explains it in her vision for the Green Dreamer project: 

Exploring our paths to collective healing, biocultural revitalization, and true abundance and wellness *for all*.

I also refer to my own experience in listening to podcasts about culture and environmental issues, which have the potential to nourish our spirits and remind us that we are not alone in feeling deep anxiety about the ecological crisis. I am grateful for the aforementioned Green Dreamer and also:

Fence at Stanley Park, Vancouver, from ‘tension’ pilot episode of Sounding Modernity, September 2022
 Why now?

The world needs you right now, because anything that we do this year or next is worth ten of the same thing ten years from now.

Emily Johnston, Loving in a Vanishing World

Because we have no choice, but we also don’t need to drown in a state of inertia (life will go on, without or without ‘us’).

Much has been written by artists about this crisis and how to increase the impact and resilience of the arts sector, such as poignant and courageous ‘call to arms’ essays by Dr. David Maggs and the aforementioned Shannon Litzenberger. And yet, society is not (yet) in ‘emergency mode’ as suggested by the Climate Emergency Unit. We seem to be asleep at the wheel of ‘comfort and indifference’ as Denys Arcand noted in his 1991 film (albeit in a very different context).

What I love about the arts is their unlimited potential as a process of change. The arts can simultaneously comfort the afflicted, inspire the depressed, anticipate the impossible, invigorate the dispirited, catalyse the discouraged, challenge our assumptions, etc. The arts also have the potential to inflict harm, consciously or unconsciously, which is why a set of guiding values and principles are critical.

Thankfully, the arts community is waking up to these realities with various ‘green’ initiatives such as Creative Green Tools CanadaEco ScénoMusic Declares CanadaSchool for Climate, Conseil québécois des événements écoresponsables (CQEER) and the aforementioned SCALE-LeSAUT network, however, an overall stasis and a culture of denial remains the norm in privileged societies such as ours.

For example, I observed this dynamic at the Government of Canada’s laudable National Culture Summit on 3 May 2022, where most arts leaders spoke with great passion about rebuilding the arts sector, while sidestepping (or underplaying) that our planet is rapidly and inexorably becoming uninhabitable… 

  • How can we help people ‘tune in’ to these complex issues without becoming overwhelmed and complacent? 
  • How can we address these deep disconnects and address the root causes of imminent societal collapse? 
  • More to the point: what can any one person do? 
The 20/80 ratio

We need to hold space for the good, the bad, the ugly and the messed up, within and around.

Dr. Vanessa Andreotti, Hospicing Modernity

Actually, we do have choices to make (and accountabilities) as citizens and as artists.

For example, I often tell colleagues about how I adopted the 80-20 ratio principle in 2021, an idea I first heard from arts and climate leader Kendra Fanconi

The idea is to spend 20% of your time and energy on reducing your carbon footprint and changing the things you control (less travel, local foods, giving to worth causes, recycling, being kind and joyful, etc) and 80% of your time and energy on collective action towards systemic change (advocacy, voting, coalitions, campaigns, protesting, decolonization, reparation, supporting for those in high-intensity struggles, directing anger towards positive change, etc). 

This helps take some pressure off our collective shoulders, while focusing our energy on positive, long-term action. 

In other words, we need to engage in substantial personal change (while increasing our enjoyment of life) AND invest in massive societal transformation (without burning out).

Sketch of Claude Scrhyer by Sabrina Mathews, April 26, 2022
But what can I do?

My response, as a composer, sound producer and arts administrator is to create sound art works that encourage audiences, and specifically my colleagues in the arts community, to ‘feel and dance with and through’ the trappings of modernity and to explore how to move out of it, together, as Dr. Andreotti suggests.

Thankfully, I am working with talented collaborators on this project, including artist Sabrina Mathews, web designer and podcast consultant Ayesha Barmania, education advisor and sound artist Azul Carolina Duque, communications advisors Ben Von Wong and Jessica Ruano as well as countless family, friends and colleagues who have accompanied me on my learning journey and supported this work. Thank you.

At a meeting of the Transition Innovation Group on October 12, 2022, the assembly agreed that we were now entering a period of great transition with ‘cautious hopefulness’. I added that what we really need to do is ‘buy time’ through our collective efforts to slow the damage while envisioning new ways of life. 

This dynamic was confirmed to me while listening to Asad Rehman: The end of imperialism in a radical green new deal (ep378) on Green Dreamer who said:

  • My motto is, there is no moment of final defeat in this. We have to measure our work into the extent of the disasters we prevent, the scale of lives of our people in the Global South. And for me, every day I get up and go, that’s what we’re doing. It’s not that we’re trying to prevent this crisis. We’re trying to prevent this crisis from getting worse and worse. And it can get much, much worse.’


  • I would say a quote, not from one of our friends, but actually from one of our enemies, the architect of neoliberalism, Milton Friedman, who said, only a crisis, real or perceived, produces real change. Our goal is to keep our ideas and policies alive for when the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable. And we, and our vision, is the politically inevitable.

Every day now, when I get up and go, my goal is also to prevent this crisis from getting worse.

Next steps

So…  if you want to join me, there are three ways you can subscribe media on

  1. weekly conscient newsletter which allows you to receive notifications about new episodes, some my responses to submissions, news from the community and so on. 
  2. conscient podcast in English ou le balado conscient en français, on any your favorite podcast player such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc. and-or
  3. conscient YouTube channel to see a video version of the podcast as well as 30 seconds promotional clips. 

You can also follow conscient social media on Facebook and Instagram @conscientpodcast.

I will write about my learnings and unlearnings in the conscient newsletter and in the occasional blogs, such as my keynote address at the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology on March 24th, 2023. 

Feedback and critique are always welcome, in public space or privately (

The post Sounding Modernity appeared first on conscient. conscient is a bilingual blog and podcast (French or English) by audio artist Claude Schryer that explores how arts and culture contribute to environmental awareness and action.


About the Concient Podcast from Claude Schryer

The conscient podcast / balado conscient is a series of conversations about art, conscience and the ecological crisis. This podcast is bilingual (in either English or French). The language of the guest determines the language of the podcast. Episode notes are translated but not individual interviews.

I started the conscient project in 2020 as a personal learning journey and knowledge sharing exercise. It has been rewarding, and sometimes surprising.

The term “conscient” is defined as “being aware of one’s surroundings, thoughts and motivations”. My touchstone for the podcast is episode 1, e01 terrified, based on an essay I wrote in May 2019, where I share my anxiety about the climate crisis and my belief that arts and culture can play a critical role in raising public awareness about environmental issues. The conscient podcast / balado conscient follows up on my (2016-2019) project: 175, 3-minute audio and video field recordings that explore mindful listening.

Season 1 (May to October 2020) explored how the arts contribute to environmental awareness and action. I produced 3 episodes in French and 15 in English. The episodes cover a wide range of content, including activism, impact measurement, gaming, arts funding, cross-sectoral collaborations, social justice, artistic practices, etc. Episodes 8 to 17 were recorded while I was at the Creative Climate Leadership USA course in Arizona in March 2020 (led by Julie”s Bicycle). Episode 18 is a compilation of highlights from these conversations.

Season 2 (March 2021 ) explores the concept of reality and is about accepting reality, working through ecological grief and charting a path forward. The first episode of season 2 (e19 reality) mixes quotations from 28 authors with field recordings from simplesoundscapes and from my 1998 soundscape composition, Au dernier vivant les biens. One of my findings from this episode is that “I now see, and more importantly, I now feel in my bones, “the state of things as they actually exist”, without social filters or unsustainable stories blocking the way”. e19 reality touches upon 7 topics: our perception of reality, the possibility of human extinction, ecological anxiety and ecological grief, hope, arts, storytelling and the wisdom of indigenous cultures. The rest of season 2 features interviews with thought leaders about their responses and reactions to e19 reality.

my professional services

I’ve been retired from the Canada Council for the Arts since September 15, 2020 where I served as a senior strategic advisor in arts granting (2016-2020) and manager of the Inter-Arts Office (1999-2015). My focus in (quasi) retirement is environmental issues within my area of expertise in arts and culture, in particular in acoustic ecology. I”m open to become involved in projects that align with my values and that move forward environmental concerns. Feel free to email me for a conversation :

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Support Our 5th CCTA Season

As I work with university students this semester, I am reminded of the burden the young generation is carrying in relation to climate change, and of the need to create stories that point to hopeful futures. Eco-anxiety is real – and crippling. But storytelling can be a powerful antidote, freeing up unsuspected reserves of determination and strength, and reconnecting us to the Earth and our communities.

Over the last four seasons of our Climate Change Theatre Action festival, we have given centerstage to hopeful and empowering stories. And for our upcoming fifth season in 2023, we will continue to be radical in our rejection of denial and despair. Our young people deserve as much.

We need to raise $5,000 by December 31 to ensure the success of CCTA 2023. We’re on our way but we still need your help!

To donate online, click the button below. 

To donate from your phone, text 1-855-575-7888 and enter code 390533.

Ray Ferris Innovation and Sustainability Grant

The Ray Ferris Innovation and Sustainability Grant is an annual grant awarded to a Toronto-based producing company selected by the committee based on a detailed production/project proposal, recognizing advances in theatrical design and the promotion of sustainability in live theatre. The recipient will receive a cash grant of $25,000 towards innovative sustainability elements for an in-person live theatre performance. The Ontario Arts Foundation manages the endowment that funds the grant.

Applicants will demonstrate how the grant would contribute to advances in theatrical design, while promoting environmental sustainability, and how the grant would assist in one or more capacity such as (but not limited to) the following:

  • Creating unique methods of delivering a narrative in a live theatre show, through the application of design innovations and digital technologies
  • Extending the theatrical experience to include the audience’s journey to and from the venue (and beyond), and working with community groups to find exciting, inclusive, and environmentally conscientious ways of making that happen
  • Developing new and sustainable processes in the construction and striking of a live theater show, and collaborating with communities and other theatre artists to find creative uses for the materials after the production
  • Transforming non traditional underused spaces into theatrical venues

The recipient must be a charity registered and in good standing with the Canada Revenue Agency.

The Ray Ferris Innovation and Sustainability Grant recipient will provide a report back to the committee following the conclusion of the production, detailing how the grant was used to further sustainability practice in the performing arts, elaborating on elements that worked well and others that require additional consideration. The report will be presented to the TAPA membership with the goal of building upon best practices in the industry.

Raymond M. Ferris was a Toronto artist, mathematician and statistician born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He earned a Master of Science degree and early in his career, Ray was on the team of NASA rocket scientists responsible for the successful return of the astronauts from the moon landing. In the mid-1980s, Ray started his own business in Toronto, R.M.Ferris Research Consultants. With advances in technology, he began experimenting with digital art and developed techniques to integrate his love for art, mathematics and computer technology and he collaborated with local musicians, combining art forms. Ray loved the theatre and was an enthusiastic supporter of Toronto’s scene.

Recipients – Click for Info (pending inaugural)

Eligibility Criteria

Deadline for applications: Monday, April 3, 2023 – 5:00pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.

To be eligible to apply for a Ferris Grant, a company must be a not-for-profit organization based or producing in the Toronto area, and a registered charity under the Canadian Income Tax Act.

Proposed production must take place during the producing season following receipt of the grant. (i.e., a grant awarded in June 2023 for production to take place July 2023 – June 2024)

In order to apply for the Ferris Award, please supply the following information:

  • Applicant’s Company Name, Representative Name, Title, Phone and Email Address
  • Registered charity number
  • Brief history of the applicant company
  • Project outline (Describe the proposed project and why the applicant should be awarded the Ferris Award, (up to 6 pages) detailing how the grant will be used
  • Relevant Supplementary material
  • All applications must be submitted in English

Submit an Application

Ray Ferris Innovation and Sustainability Grant Committee

Applications Open: CCL Online, Canada 2023

We are happy to announce that the CSPA (Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts) and Julie’s Bicycle (JB) have partnered up to host a second edition of the Creative Climate Leadership (CCL)programme in Canada, this time online, with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Since 2017, Julie’s Bicycle has worked with multiple partners to offer intensive training opportunities to creative leaders from the arts and culture sector to deepen their understanding and commitment to climate justice and the ecological crisis.

Application deadline: Midnight PDT, 6th December 2022

“This is one of the most meaningful, well-planned, inspiring and exciting courses / groups I have been part of — especially online!”

– Participant in CCL Online Scandinavia 2022

CCL Online Canada 2023 will run from February 2023 to May 2023 through 9 sessions.

The program is open to artists, curators, creative and cultural professionals and policy-makers that work and live across Canada. This CCL will be delivered in English.

Cost: The program fee is $750 CAD. There is a limited number of full and partial scholarships available for those who articulate financial need.

We will notify successful candidates that they have been selected for participation by January 20th, 2023.



We are working on a further edition of the CCL Online Canada programme and are hoping to deliver this later in 2023 in French.

“La formation Creative Climate Leadership Online 2023 se déroulera en anglais, y compris les présentations, les discussions en groupe, les exercices, etc. Cependant, il est utile pour notre équipe d’avoir une idée des préférences linguistiques pour la planification des futurs programmes. Si vous *ne voulez pas* vous inscrire pour participer au programme en anglais mais que vous souhaitez être informé des futurs programmes en français (encore à confirmer), veuillez remplir le formulaire de contact suivant.”

Key dates:

Participants are expected to be available on the following dates and times for online sessions:

27th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EST
28th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EST

1 st – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EST
20th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EDT
27th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EDT

17th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EDT
18th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EDT

8th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EDT
9th – 12.30 to 3.30 pm EDT

During the following 6 months, participants will gain access to the alumni community and resources and will be able to have a 1:1 session with the CSPA team to check in and discuss further ideas.

Art and Climate Justice: Reimagining the Future

Art meets activism: latest Critical Conversation will explore how art catalyses global climate action  

Online panel event 

Tuesday 29 November 5pm GMT, online – Renowned artists and activists are coming together to discuss how art can move the needle on climate change. 

The event—the last installment in a special miniseries on climate change hosted by the Commonwealth Foundation—will explore art’s unique ability to address hard truths and reveal the human impact of global heating.  

Guest speakers from Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific will discuss a range of artistic mediums and their power to influence and inspire during times of crisis.  

The event will feature a series of innovative performances by artists. It will be moderated by Diane McCauley, Jamaican environmental activist and author of five novels.  

Guest speakers: 

  • Ini-Maria Shikongo is a Namibian environmental activist, designer, and artist. She is the founder of several grassroots climate change initiatives in Namibia 
  • Audrey Brown-Pereira is a poet of Cook Islands Māori and Samoan descent. Her innovative performance poetry has explored climate change and the small island experience 
  • Kendel Hippolyte is a Saint Lucian poet, playwright, and director who has worked and been published regionally and internationally. His present focus is to use his skills as a writer and dramatist to raise public awareness and contribute to solutions to critical social issues 
  • Okalani Mariner is a Samoan artist, poet, environmental activist, and social entrepreneur and the youngest elected National Human Rights Advisor for Children and Young People in Samoa. Okalani uses spoken word poetry to share Pacific Peoples’ stories and advocate for climate justice. 

More information about the event and listed speakers can be viewed on the event registration page below. Register on the page for exclusive updates and reminders or use the ‘add to calendar’ feature to save the Zoom webinar link to your calendar.    

This event is open to all. Register here:  

Timothy Morton: Haunting Weirdness | Art Gallery of York University

We are pleased to bring prominent philosopher Dr. Timothy Morton to our audiences. Morton is one of the key proponents of Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) and an influential thinker on contemporary art and its engagement with ecological issues. Their recent book, All Art is Ecological,postulates that a “haunting weirdness” is necessary for an artwork to be ecological. Backing this insight is their thinking in Dark Ecology, which traces the recursive logic born out of the development of agriculture, leading us to our current environmental tipping point. It is thinking such as this, leading to a radical understanding of the roots of our collective crisis, that may allow us to understand a path away from the precipice.

Dr. Morton’s lecture is part of a parallel program related to our current solo exhibition Rights of Passage by Lou Sheppard. Sheppard’s sonic and video installation embodies Morton’s “haunting” as sound and image reverberates, drags, animates, and characterizes the current ecology of navigable waters in Toronto. We have invited Morton to speak on their research in order to build a critical frame around Sheppard’s work, identifying a radicality that eliminates a construction of nature as other and instead understands an ecology with the rights and needs of culture.

Join us as we, together with Morton, try to envision how the queering of our interdependence with our surroundings can be a form of ecology within and without nature.

Dr. Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University and Director of the Cool America Foundation. They have collaborated with Laurie Anderson, Björk, Jennifer Walshe, Hrafnhildur Arnadottir, Sabrina Scott, Adam McKay, Jeff Bridges, Olafur Eliasson, Pharrell Williams, and Justin Guariglia. Morton co-wrote and appears in Living in the Future’s Past, a 2018 film about global warming with Jeff Bridges and is author of the libretto for the opera Time Time Time by Jennifer Walshe. Morton has written All Art Is Ecological (Penguin, 2021), Spacecraft (Bloomsbury, 2021), Hyposubjects: On Becoming Human (Open Humanities, 2021), Being Ecological (Penguin, 2018), Humankind: Solidarity with Nonhuman People (Verso, 2017), Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (Columbia, 2016), Nothing: Three Inquiries in Buddhism (Chicago, 2015), Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Minnesota, 2013), Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality (Open Humanities, 2013), The Ecological Thought (Harvard, 2010), Ecology without Nature (Harvard, 2007), 8 other books and 270 essays on philosophy, ecology, literature, music, art, architecture, design, and food. Morton’s work has been translated into 14 languages. In 2014 they gave the Wellek Lectures in Theory.

To register:

Kate Mcnamara: Staying with the Trouble

Thursday, November 17, 4:00 p.m.
Lawrence Hall, Room 115, 1190 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403
The lecture will also live stream on YouTube.

This lecture will address contemporary strategies for survival, allyship, empathy, and love through the ideas and artists of two recent exhibitions, “Staying with the Trouble” and “OddKin”. In 2016, the eco-feminist Donna Haraway insisted that humans ‘stay with the trouble’ of learning to live well with nonhumans as kin, through practice-based approaches to learning to care for nonhuman others. Echoing the critical ethos found within indigenous knowledge, philosophical practices, and modern science, Haraway advises collaborative approaches to learning to live (and die) together on a damaged Earth. The term “oddkin” rewrites boundaries and stakes the claim that the shape of kinship isn’t a birthright, but a choice. These critical ideas are emphasized in the work of artists like Paula Wilson whose large-scale prints bridge the natural and human worlds culling flora and fauna from her home town of Carrizozo, NM; in MPA’s staging and critique of Mars’ colonization; Cauleen Smith’s “BLK FMNNST Loaner Library, 1989–2019” – painted book covers by Black and queer radical literary theorists; and in Carmen Winant collaborations with Ovulars, a series of workshops held in various feminist and lesbian separatist communes in the early 80s.

Kate McNamara is a curator and educator based in Providence, RI. She currently holds the position of Executive and Creative Director of My HomeCourt, a nonprofit arts organization working with contemporary artists to revitalize city parks. McNamara is also a Curator at Providence College Galleries; administrator at Interlace Grant Fund; and is a Visiting Critic at Rhode Island School of Design and Sotheby’s Institute of Art. McNamara is invested in contemporary art and innovative curatorial practices and recently launched KMM Projects, an alternative art program in Providence. 

This lecture is made possible by the Gordon W. Gilkey Endowed Fund.

Tamas Dezsö: Hypothesis: Everything is Leaf

On view
September 22, 2022 – December 23, 2022
Tuesday–Friday: 2pm–7pm
Saturday–Sunday: 11am–7pm
Closed on Monday and on public holidays.
Capa Center
Curator: István Virágvölgyi

Vernissage: September 21, 2022, 6pm
Opening remarks by Márk Horváth, aesthete, philosopher

“It never occurs to people that the one who finishes something is never the one who started it, even if both have the same name, for the name is the only thing that remains constant.” – José Saramago

In his latest work Tamas Dezsö investigates the personal identity of all living creatures, including humans. What is the mysterious and inexplicable link that connects personalities of all living entities throughout life? We are in constant change physically: similarly to other living beings, almost all molecules of a human body turn into new ones continuously. We are also in constant transformation intellectually: our way of thinking changes throughout our whole life. So what, then, is identity? How can we identify ourselves as the very same person all along despite these changes? Looking at ourselves at the ages of ten and fifty there is more difference than similarity. A seed and a tree with widely spreading branches grown from the seed do not apparently hold anything in common, yet we are talking about the same living organism.

Studying the issues of identity, Tamas Dezsö finds the metaphor of human existence in plants, which are built up from the same material and similar structures as ourselves. Every living being – whether human or non-human – is constituted by the same material, which is almost the same age as the universe. In other words, everything that is living represents a transitionary stage of an immense metamorphosis. The elements making up our bodies have already been parts of other bodies at a different place and time, and they are in us only temporarily: we are mediatory media of alien materials. So a separate environment does not exist, there are only various existing, living creatures in infinite forms.

A forest is constantly changing and undergoing millions of transformations – the leaves change, trees that make up the forest only live up to a few hundred years. However, despite that, even over millions of years, we speak about the same forest, provided it remains in the same location. How can we speak about the same forest when all its molecules have been replaced many times over the centuries?

Works by Tamas Dezsö in the exhibition represent a heterogeneous assembly, a kind of Wunderkammer. Initially they are presented from a great distance and reach microscopic proximity: from a far off view of a forest taking shape from millions of leaves in graphic detail to the tiniest part of the surface of an enlarged leaf. The species of a plant can be identified even by its microscopic part, yet no two identical entities exist, even if they are of the same species.

The title of the exhibition quotes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who zealously researched the identity of plants and during his journeys he wrote in his diary: “Hypothesis: everything is leaf, and through this simplicity the greatest diversity becomes possible.” Tamas Dezsö’s work is a collection of thought experiments whereby during the interpretation of the issues of identity, the question is emphatically raised whether it is possible to retune the anthropocentric approach which has marginalised vegetal existence for thousands of years. Why does the many-million-year-old vegetal existence constantly surrounding us seem so unknown and alien to us? While the complete elimination of arbitrary, anthropocentric classification has become of vital importance, is it possible to understand the radical difference of plants when it still appears hopeless to accept difference between human beings?

In relation to the ecological crisis it has become imperative that we handle plants in accordance with their significance, and alongside the troubling feeling of the constantly deepening delay, make serious efforts in order to understand not only human identity, but also the issues of fragile vegetal existence – and not merely because our own existence depends and relies on it.

István Virágvölgyi

Tamas Dezsö: Leaf (Deutzia Gracilis), 2019, archival pigment print
Tamas Dezsö: Sections, 2016-2022, archival pigment prints, photographs taken of vegetal segments on 19th-century British and French microscopic slides
Tamas Dezsö: Pinus Radiata (Monterey Pine), 2021, archival pigment print
Tamas Dezsö: Variations on the Self, 2018-2022, archival pigment prints, Carrara marble
Tamas Dezsö: Hedge, 2017, archival pigment prints

The series was previously presented at the UGM Studio in Maribor, Slovenia in autumn 2021 and in collaboration with Kunst Haus Wien at the FOTO WIEN Festival in Vienna, Austria in spring 2022.

(Top image: Tamas Dezsö: Garden (afterimage), 2017-2022, archival pigment prints)

CultureCOP International Assembly – October 31st, 2022

Culture Declares is partnering with CULTURECOP to bring together those creating, producing and supporting arts and culture in response to this time of Planetary crisis.

Mon, October 31, 2022, 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM GMT


If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go further, go together ‘ (African proverb)

Throughout time arts and culture have been at the heart of our worlds, connecting us and giving expression and voice to our experiences. They have the power to transform, heal and activate us. They help us look at the past, acknowledge the present and use our imaginations to vision for the future. What we dream, feel, see, and how act towards each other and the natural world are defined by culture.

In this time of ecological and social crisis, so much has already been lost at the hands of extractive, colonisation, consumerism, and a single story of progress. How can the lived experience and creative responses of those marginalised or on the frontlines, such as indigenous peoples and those in the Global South, be more centred?

Many parts of the arts, cultural and heritage industries are still complicit in causing harm. How can they break with business as usual and make radical and systemic changes to help create a more climate-just and safe world for all?

Culture is embedded into the very fabric of our lives and shapes the shared values that guide our actions. The multiple crises is an opportunity to dream a different story and co-create a more interconnected and just future together. Arts and culture across the Earth have a vital role to play in this transformative journey.

Join us on October 31st for the first CultureCOP International Assembly online

Bring your openness and wisdom, your experience and care, and your curiosity and willingness to listen.

The purpose of this Online Assembly is to:

  • Talk about the challenges of relinquishing harmful arts and cultural practices and the opportunities of embracing regenerative approaches to create a local and global transformation that brings reparations for injustice and thriving humanity and planet.
  • Ask ourselves what we can learn from the role of arts and culture in past COPs, and how to manifest that in the present and future COPs to support, challenge, and deepen the possibility of a more climate-just and safe world for all.

– Meet and connect with other creatives, artists, and activists and explore building a global coalition of arts and culture embedded in justice and resourced by equitable relationships.

Please note – This is not a drop-in event it will be participatory and emergent. Your full attention, presence and contribution will be a gift for now and in the future.

Elements of this online assembly will be fed directly into in-person CultureCOP happening in Dahab and its related events at COP27 in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt.

CultureCOP is a collaboration between Culture Declares Emergency, Community Arts Network, Community Arts Lab, Project Everyone, Earthrise, Minga Indigena, Medicine Festival, CJ-JT Donor Collaborative, Walking Forest, Julie’s Bicycle, Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement, Seyal Desert Hub, Doc Society, Cairo Jazz Club, Dar House of Arts & Culture, Eco Dahab, Porticus Foundation.

Culture COP is an emerging space that stands firm in the belief in the power of culture to transform and heal our planet and humanity. Culture COP calls on the world’s arts and culture makers to work together to co-create solutions for a just future where every living being thrives, and humanity lives in harmony with the environment.

Aphra Shemza – Sustainable Geometry, 2022

Commissioned by MKIAC

In collaboration with Shenley Brook End School

Programming by Jamie Howard

Dimensions: 210(h) x 215(w) x 30(d)cms

Material: Recycled polypropylene created by students in workshop with the artist, recycled Green Cast acrylic, LED and bespoke sound reactive circuit.

Sustainable Geometry was created by Aphra Shemza in collaboration with students from Shenley Brook End school. It combines the artist’s knowledge of sustainable design and the practice of co-creation to create a dynamic and interactive light artwork. 

Over the course of two days, students from Shenley Brook End school took part in plastic recycling workshops with the artist. In the workshops, they learned how to turn recycled plastic waste into sheet material and each created one of the tiles that make up the Islamic rosette of the sculpture.

The artwork was commissioned by the Milton Keynes Islamic Arts and Culture charity and the geometry used was inspired by the organisation. The Islamic rosette comes from the Mamluk Koran from Damascus, Syria created in 1338 AD. It represents our connection to one another, nature and the divine. By using this geometry in relationship with recycled plastic and co-creation the artist further highlights these ideas of connection and the need for looking after the planet.

The sculpture itself is sound-reactive. It uses a microphone to collect sound data and then converts the data into a light animation. The work responds to the sound that a viewer creates and also reacts to live or recorded music, changing over time creating a dynamic effect. It is immediately engaging to a viewer as there is a direct relationship to the sound they are making and the lighting of the pieces creating an instant and playful connection between the viewer and the artwork. Sustainable Geometry asks the viewer to contemplate their relationship to artwork itself and also the world around them and our responsibility to look after it.
Sustainable Geometry – Photography by David Wilman
Aphra Shemza and Sustainable Geometry – Photography by David Wilman