Open Calls

Arts, Health, and Climate: Call for Resources

The Jameel Arts & Health Lab, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, is working on a policy brief to explore how the arts can help mitigate, communicate and adapt to the health effects of climate change.

This open call is an invitation for artists, practitioners, healthcare, and cultural workers to contribute by sharing relevant resources and examples of artistic projects to be included in this research.

The research team welcomes examples of artistic projects, reports, case studies, dissertations, news articles, blogs, government documents, digital materials, and any other resource that you feel would be relevant.

Please use this form to describe and upload related materials. 

The submission deadline is July 31.

We’re helping to get the word out. If you have relevant materials, or know someone who could contribute, please share!

Callout: Sanquhar Arts Festival to repurpose derelict buildings

Sanquhar Arts Festival 24-27 May in Sanquhar Scotland to repurpose derelict buildings and brownfield sites.

For centuries homes around the world have been built from local materials, recycling to build the new from the old.

Where transport remains difficult, buildings continue to prioritise local materials.

As we become more aware of the carbon footprint of buildings made with new materials, designers are turning to a new vernacular architecture that repurposes local waste as well as sourcing materials nearby.

This year’s Sanquhar Arts Festival celebrates this trend towards ‘reconstruction and fabrication’, giving the old a new lease of life, creatively turning the abandoned and derelict into the purposeful. History is not destroyed but given a new focus.

Artists and architects (‘artitects’) are invited to submit papers or films of their experience of Reconstruction & Fabrication for this year’s Sanquhar Arts Festival running between 24 and 27 May.

Contact for more details. For the MERZ reconstruction and fabrication story visit

Deadline: 1 May 2024

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Registration is now open for the 2024 ARTS & CLIMATE INCUBATOR

Registration is now open for the 2024 ARTS & CLIMATE INCUBATOR, taking place June 10-14 in New York City! The Incubator is a 5-day intensive for artists, activists, scientists, students, and educators who want to engage or further their engagement with climate change through artistic practices. Part think tank, part workshop, it brings together 15 to 20 participants of all ages and backgrounds to investigate the potential of the arts in creating a more just and regenerative future. This year’s Incubator is offered in partnership with the Climate Imaginarium. A few scholarships are available to full-time university students.

More info:

International Seminar Modes of Production: Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition

Modes of Production – Performing Arts in Transition is a Research & Development platform that intercrosses the field of artistic studies with the hybrid field of arts management and creative production.
Based at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra (CEIS20-UC), it is the result of a partnership with the Artistic Studies Programme at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Post-Graduate Diploma in Cultural Management and Sustainability and the Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (TAGV-UC). Its initiatives and studies are carried out in permanent and updated articulation with practitioners and institutions in the arts and cultural sector. It analyses the modes of production and management models of arts and cultural projects and organizations in the face of several contemporary transformations, namely those that are raised by the demands of fair practices and social and environmental sustainability. It hosts the scientific FCT-funded GREENARTS project, which pays attention to the implications of the ecological imperative upon the arts and culture.

After an encouraging launch in the end of 2021 – which resulted in an edited volume soon to be published by transcript – we are now organizing a second International Seminar, this time a face-to-face meeting in Coimbra: one and a half days with presentations, debates and performances. Modes of Production – Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition signals the culmination of the GREENARTS project and will thus present its main results and host a series of discussions fully dedicated to the critical junction between the arts, cultural policy, and the ecological emergency. Modes of Production – Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition will reflect and debate these issues, paying attention to formats, materials, processes, contexts and decisions. Proposals for communications will be subject to peer-review before selection and organized in two strands: 

  1. Artistic Practices, Ecodramaturgy and Ecocriticism; and
  2. Arts Management and Cultural Policies for Sustainability.


In-person oral presentation on one of the strands:

  • Artistic Practices, Ecodramaturgy and Ecocriticism; and
  • Arts Management and Cultural Policies for Sustainability (20 minutes max).

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be no more than 500 words (excluding references). Please include:

  • Title;
  • Keywords (up to 5);
  • References;
  • Indication of the selected strand (A or B);
  • Name/Affiliation/Contact details;
  • Short bio (100 words) for all authors.

Submit your proposal as a Word document or PDF to by 25 March 2024.

English is the only accepted language.

All proposals will receive a response by 30 April 2024.

For inquiries or additional information, please visit our website. Further information on registration, programme and fees will be provided shortly.

Self as Universe: Mending Our Collective Ecosystem Residencies at A Studio in the Woods

The climate crisis is an urgent global concern. Self as Universe: Mending Our Collective Ecosystem Residencies at A Studio in the Woods invite artists to explore the connections within our collective ecosystems and use the power of imagination to heal the wounds in the relationship between ourselves and our communities. Southeast Louisiana’s land and inhabitants are continually scarred by the effects of environmental degradation. These injuries – the historical to the present – affect our bodies, families, communities, and cultures, as well as the land and its other creatures.  We encourage artists to guide our collective response as the caretakers and caregivers to our universe while bringing wisdom, integrity, optimism, and even humor to intentional and timely projects seeking transformation for our species and planet.

We are open to artists of all disciplines who have demonstrated an established dialogue with environmental and cultural issues. We ask artists to describe in detail how our unique region will affect their work, propose a public component to their residency, and suggest ways how they will engage with the local community.

See full information and application here:

Open call and commission: Kelburn Garden Party

Glen Arts are excited to announce the call for proposals for one commissioned artwork to feature at the Waterfall site on the Kelburn Estate.

The artworks which fit the setting best are those that subvert audience expectations and respond to the natural setting playfully. The space that creates this magical alcove is vast and we are looking for works that expand into it and create an impact.

The Neverending Glen – Waterfall

The Neverending Glen is a mesmerising, immersive multi-arts trail through Kelburn Estate’s ancient woodland. This year we are looking for proposals for one artwork that will be commissioned by Glen Arts and installed at the main Waterfall site for the duration of Kelburn Garden Party Festival that runs 4-8 July 2024.

We’re open to a range of art forms at the waterfall, and in past years, we’ve seen everything from audio visual pieces, to sculptural installations. One year, a giant inflatable moon was suspended above the water, and later living terrariums were nestled in the rock face. This is a unique site where the path opens into a natural red stone walled clearing, rich in diverse green foliage. The 30ft waterfall can be seen from both above and below and as you walk towards it, the waterfall pool emerges from the rocks. Many people take a dip here during the hot days of the festival.

If you’d like to apply, read the Open Call and “Guide to the Glen” Information Pack and fill out the The Neverending Glen: Waterfall Open Call application form.

For further information, please contact, or visit

Deadline: 5pm on 5 February 2024

(Top image ID: A person wearing a festival wristband is investigating a display of reflective orbs in a wet but bright woodland. Artwork: Down by the waterfall by Olivia Grace for Kelburn Artist 2023. [supplied])

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Open call: Burnieshed residency

A funded pilot residency for artists with a focus on ecology in Perthshire, Scotland.

Burnieshed residency is a project in the making located in the heart of Bamff Wildland, a family-run rewilding project in North East Perthshire. Twenty years since beavers began unravelling and reimagining its waterways, the farmland has been turned over to nature. This ecologically rich location attracts tourists, beaver enthusiasts, birders and researchers monitoring the effects of the Wildland.

The project is at its early stages of development and will include a series of pilot residencies in spring/summer 2024, alongside public events.

The residency will offer artists the opportunity to live, work and explore in this unique location, where many species are entangled, to create new perspectives through artistic play and critical thought in a time of multiple crises. We want to help generate conversation and action that is hopeful, joyous, radical and funny.

What it offers:
  • A fee of £1200 for a 10 day period.
  • Accommodation at the Burnieshed cabin.
  • Studio space in the Bamff Old Garage, a large, bright 1920s garage. (Please be advised that the cabin is not a studio and artists who require to use paint and other similar materials inside during their stay are advised to make use of this option.)
  • Access to a shared facility with internet connection.
  • Transport covered within the UK up to £200 supporting only slow land travel.
  • The precise dates of each three month residency will be negotiated with successful artists but the initial dates are May, June and July 2024.
Who the opportunity is for:
  • Individual UK based practitioners from contemporary art with a focus on ecology.
  • We are open to any practice but with a particular interest in moving image, photography, performance, installation and artists’ writing.
  • There are no limitations regarding age background or experience, but previous residency experience is desired.
  • The residents will be chosen based on the strength of their applications and alignment with the residency aims.
  • We strongly encourage applications from people who are LGBTQIA+, BPOC, living with disabilities, and/or from working class or low socio-economic backgrounds.
Expectations from the artist:
  • To present their work either in the form of a talk or a piece of writing (or other creative response), to be shared online.
  • To participate in the development of the residency through providing detailed feedback during and at the end of their time, so that we can evaluate and improve.

The cabin is a 10 minute walk from a small private road – whilst it is possible to bring in supplies with an offroad vehicle, you will have to walk back and forth by foot. There is no running water, internet or electricity at the cabin. Light is provided with solar panels, water from bottles and heat from a wood burning stove.

The cabin is accessed via a flight of stairs. We realise this makes the pilot version of the residency unsuitable for artists who use wheelchairs or find stairs difficult to manage at this time.

The Old Garage studio space is currently not insulated, however there is a wood burning stove.

How to apply:

Fill in the Burnieshed Pilot Residency Application Form answering the following questions:

  • Please provide an artist statement.
  • How does your work relate to ecology?
  • How would you benefit from being on this site-specific residency at this time in your practice?
  • What do you propose to do during your residency?
  • Provide a CV.
  • Provide samples of your recent work in PDF format (3-5 pages, this can take the form of images, video, writing, sound, with a written description of each project).

Complete the Burnieshed Pilot Residency – Equality Diversity and Inclusion form.

This will be kept separate from the application and remain anonymous.

To discuss alternative forms of application such as audio or video, or if you have any questions about the opportunity, please get in touch

The artists will be chosen by a selection panel composed of two external people from the creative industry and the two artists and organisers running the pilot project.

Deadline: 23:59GMT 16 February 2024

(Top image ID: Small cottage in the middle of Bamff Wildland landscape. [supplied])

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Open Call: Human-Nature Delegation to Malaysia/Borneo

The British Council Malaysia are calling for seven UK artists, arts organisation representatives, arts tech creatives, producers or curators to be part of a delegation visiting Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo States) over a 10 day period in March 2024.

About this opportunity:

The British Council has launched the new global programme Culture Responds to Global Challenges. Its climate change strand aims to enable artists to tell the climate change story and improve practices in arts and cultural organisations. In Malaysia the British Council will run Human-Nature, a three year programme of collaborations and partnerships between the UK and Malaysia Civil Society Organisations and arts sectors, to explore Malaysia’s cultural diversity and biodiversity, and develop creative responses to climate adaptation.

Under our Malaysia Human-Nature Programme, we are delighted to announce a delegation opportunity for seven art representatives to Borneo, Malaysia in March 2024. This immersion in the Borneo context and communities will be a unique opportunity for the group to participate in a research trip focused on exploring and addressing climate change through arts, science and technology, to ignite conversations and inspire change. It will involve opportunities for the group to learn and increase their knowledge about climate change and adaptation in Borneo alongside building cultural connections with the Malaysian creative sector.

We are looking for a cross-disciplinary, cross-skills group of individuals who have a strong interest in developing their knowledge in this area, making new connections and have a special interest in Malaysia’s cultural diversity and biodiversity. We are particularly interested in candidates who are keen to raise awareness and explore creative solutions for addressing climate change through the arts, technology and science which centre lived experience. We are also looking for participants who can create further legacy with the knowledge and experience gained through the research trip.

How to apply:

To apply, please read the Open Call Briefing Document – Human-Nature Delegation to Malaysia-Borneo and complete an Expression of Interest form via Submittable by 23:59 GMT Sunday 21 January 2024.

To find out more:

Sign up to attend the Information Session on 15 January for further details of this opportunity and Human-Nature programme.

Deadline: 23:59 GMT Sunday 21 January 2024

(Top image ID: Two people sitting on rocks looking out at the ocean. Photography by Mat Wright. [supplied])

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Opportunity: Become a Board Member for Scottish Youth Theatre

Join us in our mission to collaborate with and develop young theatre artists across Scotland.

Scottish Youth Theatre is inviting expressions of interest to join our Board at a pivotal period of the company’s development.

We are seeking up to five new Board members to strengthen and diversify our current Board and succession plan for 2025, when our two longest serving members will have fulfilled their maximum tenure. This includes our current Chair, who is open to discuss the role of Chair with individuals who may have a particular interest in the position.

These are unpaid roles with reasonable expenses reimbursed. Previous Board experience is not essential and training will be offered if required.

First and foremost, we want to recruit Board members who are committed to the work and ambitions of the company and who will meaningfully contribute to our governance and strategic development. We particularly welcome expressions of interest from people with knowledge and experience in areas of:

  • Equity and inclusion
  • Environment
  • Finance
  • Marketing/PR
  • Legal

In our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion we want our Board to reflect Scotland’s diverse communities and therefore particularly welcome interest from:

  • Black and People of Colour
  • Disabled people
  • People under the age of 35
  • Those based or with a strong connection to areas of Scotland outside the Central Belt

To find out how to register your interest, learn more about Scottish Youth Theatre and the commitment expected of Board members, download the information pack via our website:

Deadline for expressions of interest: Monday 11 December 2023, 6pm

We are happy to accept written, audio or video submissions and offer reasonable adjustments to support people through the full recruitment process. If you have any questions about this, please get in touch.

(Top image ID: Three young performers look towards the sky with their arms outstretched, with dazzled/amazed looks on their faces. They wear different coloured knitted jumpers. There is a prop tree in the background, and wooden boxes surround them on the floor. [supplied])

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Opportunity: Print Clan Artists in Residence Programme 2024

Print Clan CIC are accepting applications for their fully-funded Artists in Residence 2024 programme.

Thanks to funding by National Lottery through Creative Scotland we’re delighted to be offering four artist residencies at the Print Clan studio in 2024.

We are looking for four Scotland based artists (three mid-career artists and one early-career artist) to undertake a fully-funded four week residency at Print Clan. Each residency will culminate with the delivery of one public output of their choice and a half-day workshop at one of our Print Clubs.

We are interested in artists using the residency to explore one or a combination of the following themes:

  • Eco consciousness and sustainability
  • Repeat pattern and/or reproduction
  • Surface, form, and colour

The four successful artists will receive one month’s access to our studio facilities, technical support and 4 one-to-one consultancy sessions. They will also be granted a budget to cover:

  • Print Clan membership
  • 3 x A0 screens – coated and exposed
  • 2 x A2 screens
  • Exclusive table hire x 5 days
  • Standard (shared) table hire x 13 days
  • Materials and sundries
  • In-house and external professional development courses workshops and courses up to £300
  • Access needs – this will be assessed on an individual basis but might look like accessible transport, accessible studio hire, contribution to childcare/PA/interpreter fees

In addition to the materials and studio budget, artists will receive payment for their four week residencies at Scottish Artists’ Union residency rates (2022): for the early career artist this will be £2139.92, and for the mid-career artists £2994.15. 50% will be paid in week two, and 50% will be paid upon completion of the residency. Each artist will also receive a further £38ph for delivering their Print Club workshop.

Please visit our website for full info including how to apply.

Deadline: Monday 4 December, 2pm. Successful applicants will be informed on Monday 18 December:

The four residencies will run throughout 2024 and are currently scheduled to take place between January – August, however these dates can be negotiated with the successful applicants.

(Top image ID: Open Call: Print Clan Artist in Residence 2024 poster, with a Print Clan logo and a photo of a person working with a printing press. [supplied])

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