Creative Climate Leadership

What is Creative Climate Leadership?

The 4-month online program is for arts and cultural professionals who want to take a lead on climate change, adapted from the CCL week-long residential course.

CCL is an international training and transformation programme to empower artists and cultural professionals to take action on the climate and ecological crisis with impact, creativity, and resilience.

About Creative Climate Leadership Canada

The CSPA (Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts) partnered with Julie’s Bicycle (JB) to host the Creative Climate Leadership (CCL) program, with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

This is a Canada version of the Creative Climate Leadership Program, a training and support program for cultural professionals and artists who are interested in using their creativity to promote environmental sustainability and positive social change. The program is designed to help participants develop the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to drive change within their organizations and communities, and to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

Creative Climate Leadership Canada (in-person)

The first edition took place at the Barrier Lake Field Station in Kananaskis, Alberta area adjacent to Banff National Park on the traditional territory of the Stoney Nakoda in the foothill of the Rockies, from August 1st to 5th, and was open to artists, curators, creative and cultural professionals and policy-makers that work and live across Canada. This CCL was delivered in English.

Full List of Participants

Alain Monast
Anne-Catherine Lebeau
Ben Finley
Brighid Fry
Christine Brubaker
David Campion
Donna Grantis
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger
Fanny-Pierre Galarneau
Glenne Campbell
Jessie Demers
Judi Pearl
Julia Matamoros
Katherine Carleton
Katrine Claassens
Luisa Ji
Marissa McHugh
Michelle Tracey
Shammah Salwa 
Shawn Newman
Taiwo Afolabi
Tracey Friesen

Creative Climate Leadership Canada 2023 (online)

The second edition took place remotely from February to May. The candidates work in areas as varied as photography, music, visual art, activism, research and curation.

Full List of Participants

Alejandra Nunez – she/they
Allison O’Connor – she/her
Alyssa Kostello – she/her
Amy Ash – she/they
April Marie Glaicar – she/her
Bailee Higgins – she/her
D’Andrea Bowie – she/her
Diego Narváez – he/him
Dominic Lloyd – he/him
Emily McKibbon – she/her
Hayley Roulstone – she/her
Jane Gabriels – she/they
Julie Fossitt – she/her
Kate Declerck – she/her/elle
Kim Fry – she/her
Lara Aysal – she/her
Luciana Erregue – she/her
Marian Wihak – she/her
Marta Keller-Hernandez – she/her
Sandra Lamouche – she/her
seeley quest – sie/hir
Shumaila Hemani – she/her
Terri Hron – she/her

(Photo credit: Creative Climate Leadership training course participants in Slovenia, photo by Karim Shalaby)