Fireside Chats


The Fireside Chats emerged from a desire to make space for Indigenous voices, to foster dialogue and deepen our understanding about Indigenous ways of looking at socio-environmental issues.

We have envisioned these chats as opportunities for encounter, unlearning and re-learning. We understand that much of what we do at the intersection of sustainability and the arts entails an ongoing relationship development and learning with Indigenous communities, Indigenous-led organizations and Indigenous Knowledge Keepers. We understand that much of what we do couldn’t be done without Indigenous voices and ways of knowing.

Our hope is that these conversations make you feel inspired, informed, and connected to a diverse range of sustainable practices through different Indigenous perspectives. We hope these learnings become tools for you to further your curiosity and perception. Finally, we also wish you leave the space with a sense of hope and a refreshed commitment for reconciliation and unlearning. This is how we feel each time we join our chats.


The Fireside Chats have been created in partnership with our friends at Naheyawin, an Indigenous-owned social enterprise aimed at supporting non-Indigenous organizations with reconciliation and awareness goals. Hunter Cardinal, Co-founder, Director of Story, and long-time friend of the CSPA. We gather for an hour in a virtual setting with Hunter Cardinal as our host. While he chats with our invited guest, you are welcome to sit back and listen, or listen and ask your questions in the chat.

How to join?

We host Zoom gatherings every other month. Join our newsletter to keep up with our upcoming Fireside Chats.

Thank you for being here!