Arts Certification, Guidance and Assessment

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Arts Certification, Guidance and Assessment

Arts: Earth Partnership

The Arts: Earth Partnership (AEP) is an environmental sustainable certification program and dynamic materials resource exchange specifically developed for the creative sector. Endorsed by the cities of Los Angeles and Santa Monica, the Cultural Affairs Departments of both have pledged resources and incentives to assist member organizations.

Creative Carbon Scotland

Green Arts Initiative

The Green Arts Initiative supports Scottish arts organisations to be at the forefront of growing an environmentally sustainable Scotland. Run by Creative Carbon Scotland and Festivals Edinburgh, it’s a simple accreditation scheme designed to give venues and organisations the advice, support and tools they need to become greener and let audiences and the public know what they are doing.

Creative Carbon Scotland will also support Green Arts organisations to get further industry accreditation where appropriate, including Julie’s Bicycle Industry Green accreditation and ISO20121.

Carbon Management Tools

How will you start your Carbon Management journey? Creative Carbon Scotland have a number of tools and resources to help you measure, monitor, and reduce your carbon emissions.

In addition to the resources below, you can also read a blog by Caro Overy summarising the emissions and carbon reporting for 2019.

Creative Green Tools – Canada

With the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, we tested the feasibility of adapting the innovative Creative Green Tools to the Canadian context. We did this by carrying out a year-long research and consultation process involving members of the arts sectors from across the country. Our process included:

  • Consultations with 44 arts organizations representing every province and territory in Canada, representing a range of different organizational structures and artistic disciplines to determine the needs of intended users;
  • Pilot testing of the Tools with 23 user organizations to assess user experience and functionality of the online platform;
  • Development of a methodology for adapting the tools to the Canadian context, with expert review; and finally,
  • A published feasibility report (available for download in English and French) based on the above activities that will help to guide the development and implementation of the Creative Green Tools in Canada!

Completing this rigorous research and consultation process allowed us to confidently progress forward with the next steps in a way that was clear, equitable and sensitive to the demonstrated needs of the Canadian arts and culture sector.

Julie’s Bicycle

Established in 2007 by leading figures in the UK music industry, Julie’s Bicycle is a non-profit company working across the arts and creative industries, providing expertise in environmental sustainability to over 350 organisations in the UK and internationally.

JB offers practical advice, tools, resources and Industry Green environmental certification, informed by world-leading research into the environmental impacts of the creative industries.

REFOCUS – Harbourfront Centre


REFOCUS provides a roadmap for developing a transformation program that can actually establish sustainability as a key priority. The program delivers advanced theory, executable know-how, and a wealth of supplementary resources that help put learning into practice.

REFOCUS helps leaders build the capacity needed to maximize the benefits of pursuing sustainability. Once it’s recognized that sustainability can strengthen the bottom line, decision makers will be naturally motivated to invest.

REFOCUS is applicable to a variety of audiences including students, consultants and industry professionals alike. At its core, this education was designed for leaders responsible for improving the sustainability of their organization; whether starting from scratch or taking an existing sustainability program to the next level. The experience can be applied to businesses, non-profits, and government bodies alike and is best suited to small and medium-sized organizations.

Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts

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