

Broadway Green Alliance

The BGA (formerly Broadway Goes Green) was launched in 2008 as an ad hoc committee of The Broadway League. The BGA brings together all segments of the theatre community, including producers, theatres in New York and around the country, theatrical unions and their members, and related businesses. Working closely with the Natural Resources Defense Council, the BGA identifies and disseminates better practices for theatre professionals and reaches out to theatre fans throughout the country.

Canadian Green Alliance

The CGA was founded in 2019 by Canadian performers Julia McLellan and Tess Benger, as their response to the theatre industry’s structural lack of organized climate action. After years of having to leave our values at the door when we entered arts organizations, we started to wonder what our national theatre community would need to feel like they had the skills to embody their climate action in their artistic work.

Their growing membership is a collection of theatre organizations and arts workers who want to access the full extent of the CGA’s resources, including their Sustainable Theatre Guidebook written by experts across the country and compiled by the CGA.

Green Theatre Programme for London

The Green Theatre Programme for London is the Mayor’s response to the overwhelming concern of the theatre sector to reduce any negative impact on the environment. This plan is for anyone working in London’s theatre industries. If all actions recommended in this plan are taken, London theatres can reduce their CO2 emissions by almost 60 per cent by 2025.

Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company – Green Theatre Choices Toolkit

Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company was founded in 2004 as a community-focused, socially-conscious, Equity theater company. Since their inception, they made a commitment to represent diverse voices on stage, pay local San Diego actors Equity wages, health and pension, and focus on serving their community. In 2006 they started realizing that our socially-conscious operations conflicted with the reality that theater, as it is traditionally practiced, can be damaging to the environment. From the woods, paints, dyes and energy used to the seasonal nature of theater, our industry is consistently creating toxic waste at a high rate with each production. In recognition of this problem, and as a natural extension of our socially-conscious principles, Mo`olelo developed a greening initiative in January 2007.

Through consultations with LEED-Accredited Professional Preeti Gupta the first step was to develop the GREEN Theater Categories and Sustainable Guidelines. In Fall 2008, Mo`olelo received a MetLife/TCG A-ha! Think it, Do it grant to research and develop a tool to measure the environmental impact of theater and help the industry make choices that do not cause long-term damage to our communities. We partnered with Brown & Wilmanns Environmental, LLC and adapted their Green Choices methodology to theater.

Sustainable Production Toolkit

The toolkit provide a guide, with concrete tools and best practices for guiding your organization to a new normal that prioritizes the intertwined needs for greater environmental, human, and financial sustainability in our industry. Our focus here  is on sustainability tools, especially for design and production, but we recognize the need for a broader conversation and invite the creativity and wisdom of our colleagues across the country in re-imagining a more sustainable and equitable American Theatre.

Theatre Green Book

We’re living in a climate crisis. The Green Book is an initiative by the whole of theatre – working with sustainability experts Buro Happold to work more sustainably. In three volumes it sets standards for making productions sustainably, for making theatre buildings sustainable, and for improving operations like catering and front of house. If theatre is to be part of the most vital conversation humanity faces, then it has to change its practice. The Theatre Green Book sets out the path to a sustainable future.

Theatres Trust

The Theatres Trust is the National Advisory Body for Theatres, protecting theatres for everyone. Ecovenue was a significant theatre-specific environmental project run by The Theatres Trust. It aimed to improve the environmental performance of forty-eight London theatres and raise awareness of how to make theatres greener. Ecovenue was created to promote the sustainability of theatres and the reduction of carbon emissions through the provision of free environmental advice.

White Light LTD

The UK’s premier entertainment lighting supplier. They supply everything from the smallest school play to the largest West End musical, as well as countless conferences, corporate dinners, parties, events and exhibitions.

White Light Green guide

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