American Players Theatre

Rosemary Ingham

Having been swept up in the swift current of my life and health these past few months, I only just this evening opened the pages of the November 2008 issue of American Theatre, and was saddened to find Liz Covey’s obituary for Rosemary Ingham, who passed in July.

I did not know Rosemary well, but worked with her on a somewhat disconnected basis during my time with American Players Theatre, and later she would become one of the most valuable, insightful, and wise theater professsionals I had the privelige of speaking with for my book, Careers in Technical Theater.

I recall with fondness her honesty when I initially interviewed her for a magazine piece, and will not forget her advice on the dilemma of the solitary theater artist — it is a misnomer, she told me, so one must follow their heart. At the time, I knew she was speaking to me as someone who loved the theater, but also passionately loved to write. And she was in a position to offer advice on the matter.

As I sit in a hospital bed in Indianapolis, I just wanted to take an opportunity to  say thank you to Rosemary. You will be missed, and your kind soul undoubtedly touched many on its journey.

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