City Of Albany

Jackrabbit Homestead: Tracing the Small Tract Act in the Southern California Landscape



THURSDAY- OCTOBER 22, 2009 6:00-9:00

UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism Center for Photography,
Northgate Hall, U.C. Campus Hearst & Euclid

“Stringfellow attacks her subject as a historian, a collector, and a photographer with the vision of a Walker Evans on acid.” —Danny Lyon, author of The Bikeriders and Conversations with the Dead

In conjunction with this event, I will be leading the Land Use & The Built Environment: Photographing the Albany Bulb workshop with Fotovision on October 24th & 25th, 2009 — 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please visit Fotovision’s Web site for more information and to sign up for this workshop.

Workshop description: Artist/educator, Kim Stringfellow will lead a three-day photographic exploration and collaborative photo book project focusing on the built and cultural landscape of the Albany Bulb, a 30-acre spit of shoreline landfill owned by the City of Albany, which has been “reclaimed” by a variety of interest groups including urban artists, homeless, dog-walkers, teenagers, and environmentalists.

In this unique and challenging workshop participants will have the opportunity to collaboratively produce a book project in the span of a weekend. The workshop will begin with an introductory lecture by Stringfellow on Friday evening. Saturday will consist of a field workshop day where workshop participants document the site photographically supported by field notes and interviews of park users when possible. Sunday will be spent organizing and sequencing the photographs into a print on demand collaborative book project to be printed at

Additional help with book production, editing and design during the workshop will be offered by Fotovision program director, Adrianne Koteen. PLEASE NOTE: This class will also be meeting on Friday night, October 23rd, from 6-9pm.