Early Bird

Sustainability in Theater Unconference (SIT-U 2013) Registration now open

SIT_logo_web_smRegistration now open

Last year, we presented the first national Sustainability in Theater conference. Please join the Minnesota Theatre Alliance August 19-20, 2013 for a reunion at this year’s Unconference. Compared to 2012’s gathering, the 2013 event at the Southern Theater will be less structured with a greater emphasis on energetic discussions, using Open Space format. All topics related to sustainable practices for our organizations, our craft, our environment, and our community are welcome.

Early bird registration is only $15-$20 per person if you register before by July 15th!

Learn more and register now at http://mntheateralliance.org/content/register-sit-u

See the SIT 2012 conference archive at http://minnesotatheateralliance.org/sit/archive_about.php

Learn about Open Space meeting format at http://www.openspaceworld.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?AboutOpenSpace

Join the Sustainable Theaters Group on our Web site at http://sustain.minnesotatheateralliance.org/

Like the Sustainable Theaters Group Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SustainableTheatersMN


Minnesota Theater Alliance

308 Prince St. #270

Saint Paul, MN 55101-1437

(651) 789-0787


Web: http://mntheateralliance.org

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MinnesotaTheaterAlliance

Twitter: http://twitter.com/TheaterAlliance