Energising Culture: JB’s Latest Guide
Yesterday saw the launch of our latest guide, Energising Culture, the first in a two-part guide on future energy strategies for cultural buildings, published in partnership with The Theatres Trust and Arts Council England.
Energising Culture aims to equip the leaders of cultural buildings with an understanding of the core issues around energy demand and supply, and implications for operational and investment decision-making. It makes the case for energy as a business-critical issue.
The guide covers practical and operational interventions, the current range of technological, compliancy and financial incentives, sources of funding and investment models available.
It also provides case study examples of innovative and bold responses to the energy challenge from the cultural sector.
Energising Culture Seminar
12.30 – 13.30 THURS 14 JUNE
ABTT Theatre Show 2012
Join Julie’s Bicycle and The Theatres Trust to discuss practical solutions to powering our cultural events into the future.