
A breath of life by Fraser Ross


A breath of life 2010 [Laboratory Report]

This is an expedition involving the artificial study of plant life.

Materials – Flexinol (shape changing wire), recycled electronic components, specimen jars.

Ten propagated flowers from a living plant. Each flower has a ‘death state’, until human interaction triggers its ‘life state’ and just for a brief moment, you may recapture the flowers in full bloom. When the viewer blows into the specimen jars, each flower begins a shape change. Blowing is the appropriate interaction as trees and plants grow on carbon dioxide.

Every living thing needs a home, plants change themselves to survive in their habitat.


YouTube – A breath of life by Fraser Ross.

Looking for Designers in NYC

We are creating a ‘sustainable’ theatre piece using green-friendly practicesfor a project in March. Our goal is to create almost a habitat. Looking fora scenic/ production designer who has expertise in either found objectwork, using alternative materials, or history of working with recycledgoods. The ideal candidate should have specific knowledge of where saidmaterials can be found within New York City and how to get them. Designerhas to be NYC local, and familiarity with the indie theatre community is a HUGE plus. Deep involvement in quick rehearsal process and timeto fully-commit to project is a must. There is a modest stipend & budge,and materials transport.

Email me at (dominic.dandrea at gmail dot com)
All My Best,
Dominic D’Andrea