Holstebro Denmark

Superhero Clubhouse in Denmark and NYC: Don’t Be Sad, Flying Ace! & Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret

Don’t be Sad, Flying Ace


Perched on the roof of his small house, armed only with a typewriter and a rare imagination, a dog attempts to adapt after a calamitous storm that left him stranded and floating far away from home.  Inspired by Charles Shultz’ iconic beagle and incorporating leading climate science, Don’t Be Sad, Flying Ace! is a multi-disciplinary duet exploring how people respond in the face of extreme climatic events.

Created by Jeremy Pickard, Simón Adinia Hanukai and Jonathan Camuzeaux in collaboration with scientists from Columbia University and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

September 4-6 at the world-renowned Odin Teatret in Holstebro, Denmark

Oct/Nov in NYC, as part of Marfa Dialogues NY

Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret


A musical adventure celebrating the value of collaboration and revealing science as a creative and intrepid process. Set in a wilderness camp where seven seven extraordinary women of climate science have gathered to share ideas, Field Trip features original songs, dance and poetry that together offer a uniquely hopeful view of our changing world.

As one of 18 lucky recipients of a grant from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation/Marfa Dialogues NY*, and in partnership with Columbia University’s Earth Institute/PositiveFeedback, we’ll be presenting a double feature in NYC this fall:

Act I Don’t Be Sad, Flying Ace!

Act II Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret