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The Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef

Christine and Margaret Wertheim’s Coral Reef Project is another one of the CSPA’s favorites to date. It combines creative endeavors seamlessly with scientific thought and a social initiative. It brings to light issues of global warming and ecological sustainability without being didactic.

If you’re in New York city, you have a month left to view it at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. That exhibition closes in early January.

If you are in Washington DC, please visit the temporary exhibit on the the First Floor of the Sant Ocean Hall, OCean Focus Gallery at the National Museum of Natural History. It is on display through April 24th of next year 2011.

Margaret Wetheim’s TED Talk


At The Science Gallery in Dublin


A recent interview with Margaret Wertheim

View the video at

More information

Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef
The Institute for Figuring

Future Arcola Weekly Video Blog

We have also started a new project to track the progress made in our new home on Ashwin Street!  You can visit our new YouTube Channel, ArcolaEnergy1, which will have regular video updates.

Check out our video for Week 2!


Arcola Energy – Future Arcola \”The Transformation\” (Week 2)

Check out our video for Week 1!


Arcola Energy – Future Arcola \”The Transformation\” (Week 1)

Go to Arcola Energy