The Green Mini-ExpoÂ
The Ford Theatres
December 7th, 2009 1pm-7pmÂ
2580 Cahuenga Blvd. EastHollywood, CA 90068Â Â
Stop by any time during the day for fun,great informationand delicious food provided by Large Marge Sustainables!
Inspired by the strong environmental themes within Song of Extinction, Moving Arts has begun “Moving Green” by taking steps toward becoming a more eco-friendly company. The Green Mini-Expo is a way to celebrate these changes, as well as connecting audiences with local Green organizations and businesses that provide access to emerging green issues and eco-friendly lifestyle techniques.
Among the vendors participating in the Mini-Expo will be:
The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts
All Shades of Green
Jenneration Fix
Earth Resource Foundation
Large Marge Sustainables
and Smart Car!
Audience members are also welcome to participate in a free panel discussion with a diverse group of local, green professionals. Among the panel participants will be Ian Garrett from The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, Jessica Aldridge, Zero Waste Event Coordinator/Consultant and Natalie Freidberg of All Shades of Green.
GREEN MINI-EXPO SCHEDULE 1pm-7pm Expo Open to Public3pm-4:30pm Matinee Performance of Song of Extinction 5pm Moving Green – Panel Discussion on How to Live a Greener Life (45 minutes)7pm Song of Extinction Pay-What-You-Can-Performance for more information e-mail: Â
If you haven’t seen the show the critics are calling…Â
“Exquisite” Stage Scene LAÂ
“Gorgeous” LA Weekly  Â
“Lyrcial” Los Angeles Times
“Perfection” Curtain Up
“Captivating” LA TacoÂ
You only have two weekends left!   Â