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images links to Flickr CCA Westhorn Allotments stream
CCA Summer Volunteer Days at Westthorn Allotments
Help us develop land at Westthorn Allotments into a fun and workable garden site as part of the CCA education and outreach programme which supports the wider Glasgow growing network and specific local communities.
Each day will involve a workshop from an artist or gardener on a particular topic, as well as a variety of activities to be involved in including planting and harvesting food and flowers, digging and weeding, and other fun and practical projects.
Saturday June 25th INVASIVE SPECIES
weed workshop and introduction to project
Please note: there is Japanese Giant Hogweed on site. If you plan on digging, strong boots are required – protective suits can be provided.
workshop with artists Alex Wilde and James McLardy
Saturday August 20th BIODIVERSITY
gardener workshop/discussion with a permaculture expert
12-4 pm
Meet at CCA at 11:15 to take the city bus together
Open to all!
tea and refreshments provided
Gloves and tools provided
Bring your own boots!
Email for more information
Westthorn Allotments (G31 4QA) are located in Parkhead off of London Road next to Celtics Supporter’s Club, accessible via the Clyde Cycleway or by bus.
ecoartscotland is a resource focused on art and ecology for artists, curators, critics, commissioners as well as scientists and policy makers. It includes ecoartscotland papers, a mix of discussions of works by artists and critical theoretical texts, and serves as a curatorial platform.
It has been established by Chris Fremantle, producer and research associate with On The Edge Research, Gray’s School of Art, The Robert Gordon University. Fremantle is a member of a number of international networks of artists, curators and others focused on art and ecology.
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